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Alumni Update: Jewel

Alumni Update: Jewel 

We received an update from Jewel’s adopter, Julie: Some of you may remember the trials and tribulations I’ve had with Jewel over the past year. Last summer she was so scared of being saddled it took months to work our way back. After a half dozen rides, we had a…

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Journeying With Montana

Journeying With Montana 

A horse’s progress is not always linear — in fact, it is often not. There are hills and valleys in horsemanship, and as living creatures with their own autonomy, it is only fair that we meet the horse where they are at each time we interact with them. Montana is a…

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Getting to Know Violet

Getting to Know Violet 

In getting to know Violet, we found two things to be true: she was in desperate need of a diet, and she was dull. Luckily, neither fact was without remedy. Over the last month, we have helped Violet shed a few lbs, and have already begun to see the true shape of the…

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Declan, One Year Later

Declan, One Year Later 

There are no timelines when it comes to our horses. We promise them that no matter how long it takes, we will be there for them to rehabilitate them into the horse they were always meant to be. This week marks the year anniversary of when we met Declan. Many wonderful…

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Autumn is Here

Autumn is Here 

On the direct heels of Tanis’ passing several weeks ago, we received a call regarding a horse in need — another roan mare. It felt, admittedly, a bit like kismet. We know that Autumn’s story starts with an Animal Control seizure. She was one of group of 44 horses…

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Scotty’s Buddies

Scotty’s Buddies 

Scotty arrived at SAFE with his half-sibling Violet, the two of them essentially attached at the hip. In order to foster new and healthy relationships (and mitigate the herdboundness that existed in each of them), we made a point of introducing them to new friends…

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Darla is Adopted!

Darla is Adopted! 

Dearest darling Darla has been adopted! During the summer, long time horse owner Monne came to SAFE looking for an equine partner and met Darla. The two of them took their time getting to know one another, with Monne coming out to visit and ride Darla a number of…

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Heart of the Horse
July 20 from 5–10 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
Aug 16–18
More info >

Artie Loves Sweet Water

Artie Loves Sweet Water 

What drink comes to mind when you are asked to conjure up the most refreshing, thirst-quenching beverage? Is it a gallon bucket of water with a handful of senior and a little bit of salt? No? Well you must not be a horse then! We give ‘sweet water’ to our horses in a…

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Domino’s Electric Pedicure

Domino’s Electric Pedicure 

Every 6 weeks, our horses get pedicures. They are accustomed to the nip of the clippers and the shhhk shhhk of the rasp as it passes over the growth of their hooves, trimming them down to a healthy length. Some try silly little maneuvers on occasion, pulling their…

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Lancelot’s Buddies

Lancelot’s Buddies 

A stallion’s life is often a lonely one. Most of the time, aside from instances of unregulated group turnout, a stallion is kept apart from a herd. When we first met Lance back in May, he was separated from the other horses on the property, tucked away in a back…

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Roy and Mirana’s Arena Time

Roy and Mirana’s Arena Time 

When we close our pastures for the winter, we switch instead to arena turnout for those horses not in a larger herd paddock. While there may not be grass to much on, the arena has its own list of pleasures, including soft dry sand and a wide open space to run amok in.…

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Playful Veronica

Playful Veronica 

Horses are, for the most part, rather boring to watch most of the time (c’mon horse people, you know that objectively, it’s true). When they are not eating, be it at a hay box or with their heads dipped out on pasture, they are usually just standing around.…

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January Volunteer of the Month: Bill Conquergood!

January Volunteer of the Month: Bill Conquergood! 

Congratulations to our January Volunteer of the Month, Bill Conquergood! Bill has been sharing his time, hard work and super friendly spirit for just over a year and a half! He is an AM Chore Volunteer Extraordinaire, showing up not only weekly on the Thursday morning…

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