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A home for Miah! 

We’ve been waiting with growing eagerness to share some fantastic news with you, but being a superstitious bunch, we didn’t want to jinx it until we knew for sure. Miah has been out on trial, pending adoption, for the past month with a wonderful horsewoman named…

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Moonshine update! 

Moonshine is pending adoption, and has been on trial with his potential new owner at SAFE Harbor, taking lessons with Brittney and learning to jump! He’s doing fantastic, we could not be more proud of him. During his pre-purchase exams, a mass was discovered in the…

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Summer update 

Summer: the ol’ girl keeps on kickin’! Kyle dropped two additional blankets off for the grande dame so her foster caretakers can mix and match as needed. Kyle says that Summer came out to meet her just as bright eyed as she imagined she can be. We’ve been very…

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Atticus is finally getting Fat-ticus! 

Atticus had an vet exam today, and Dr. Penny feels he is nearly up to weight. He has a fat pad at the tail head! She drew blood for a follow up liver enzymes test, and we should have results tomorrow. She checked his mouth and found nothing unusual to explain his lack…

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November Volunteer of the Month: Emily Olson 

November is the month for giving thanks, and we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our November Volunteer of the Month, Emily Olson! Emily has been working nearly full time at SAFE Harbor Stables while she waits for the Army to process her…

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Black Mare Friday! 

Misty celebrated Black Friday with a trail ride! Here’s an update from Lisa: My friend Victoria invited me to go on a spontaneous ride on Friday. When she pulled up, Misty got very excited and pushy. This has become a bit of a pattern and ironically Cindy Akdeniz, the…

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From the Horse’s Mouth: The Opposite of Shadow 

If you follow Honeycutt’s blog, you know that he shares a lot of secrets about horses and their interactions. Today’s update on Sinatra comes straight from the horse’s mouth… Now if you were to look out and see me, you would see something white right next to me. If…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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January Volunteer of the Month: Dave Shepherdson 

Dave Shepherdson of Kenmore is SAFE’s January Volunteer of the Month in recognition of his willingness to serve tirelessly on multiple chore shifts and with the Facilities crew. Dave came to SAFE initially because he wanted to spend time with his wife Colleen, who was…

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Training Update: Stevie 

Stevie left for Ellensburg last week to begin training with Joel Conner. He was a good boy, jumped right into the trailer and was calm and not stressed even though he was traveling alone. He arrived and settled in well. I spoke to Joel about him and he said that he is…

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Training & Health Update: Cameo 

Cameo is coming along really well in her rehab work and she is now ready for the weight of a rider. Volunteer rider Lindsay was excited to help Cameo take this next step and helped her have a happy and easy ride. Here is a video of her first ride back: 

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Jewel getting some body work 

The cold weather has been hard on all of us. The horses and volunteers had to endure a few weeks of abnormally low temperatures for our area and we are all looking forward to warmer spring and summer months! One of the biggest problems is the very hard ground in our…

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Health Update: Gracie 

We are so happy to report that Miss Gracie is feeling happy and healthy! When the winter weather hit and turnout became limited, the amount of time outside or grazing for the horses was drastically shortened. While we work very hard to rotate all of the horses out…

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Training update and Video: Vida 

Here is an update of Vida’s progress from her volunteer rider, Jolene: Vida got her first lesson in tying yesterday. She did really good. Only pulled once and though she meant it, she came off it and was really good. While she was tied I worked on taming that wild…

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