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Moonshine Update

Moonshine was such a superstar at the Haunted Open House! His was the most involved costume of all the horses, and he handled it like…like…like he’d been wearing clothes his whole life. After the party was over, I took several more shots of him hanging out in his…

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Dottie the Dragon!

Dottie wore a dragon costume for the Haunted Open House, and she was cute as a bug in her SAFE purple splendor! The base of the costume was a full hooded lyrca slinky, and Dottie was completely unfazed by having it put on her. In fact, once it was on, she seemed happy…

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We have a challenge grant to announce!!!

Our Fall Into Winter Feed Drive is in full swing, and so far the response from our wonderful supporters has been terrific! We are nearly half way to our goal of $15,000 by Nov 30…and it’s still October! That is pretty exciting! All the horses at SAFE are very…

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Skye’s transformation!

You’ll often hear us say “it takes a herd to save a horse.” In Skye’s case, it is not a metaphor! In June, Dave Zanotelli and his daughter Julia offered to foster a SAFE horse. They are both very skilled at doing groundwork training and they were willing to take on a…

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Return of the Golden Child

Phoenix has returned to our herd at SAFE Harbor Stables. He is healthy, happy, and looking terrific. Why is Phoenix back at SAFE? As you may remember, he was adopted back in 2008, about seven months after he was rescued. We kept in contact with his adopter, did follow…

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October Volunteer of the Month: Anne-Marie Rousseau!

Our October Volunteer of the Month is the amazing Anne-Marie Rousseau! Ann-Marie volunteers weekly with SAFE as part of the Night Check program. She stops by in the late evening to count noses and verify that everyone is in good shape. She does a fantastic job tucking…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Training Update: Cameo

Cameo was a doll at the last open house, making new friends with everyone who stopped in to see her. She loves her outside stall where she can see all that is going on at the farm and has her buddy Stella always within sight. The volunteer riders have been working…

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Training Update: Stella

Stella is now 9 months in recovery from her left hind peroneus tertius tendon rupture. She has, to say the least, been a ROCKSTAR for the entire rehab! She is now back up to full saddle work and Casey, Stella’s volunteer rider, has started to add the canter into their…

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2016 Volunteer of the Year: Caren McMillen

Choosing just one SAFE volunteer to be named Volunteer of the Year is never an easy task, but when someone like Caren McMillen is part of your family, the choice becomes utterly obvious. Caren has been with SAFE as a volunteer for almost three years, but there are…

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2016 Q4 Impact Statement

New Horses Intake Date: October 7, 2016 Rico (owner surrender) Rosie (owner surrender) Ruckus (owner surrender) Vida (owner surrender) Prince (owner surrender) Intake Date: December 16, 2016 Sierra (SAFE Alumni/owner surrender) Placed Horses Oscar

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