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Funny, but not funny

I was awake, but hadn’t yet gotten out of bed around 7 this morning, when I heard an unusual racket from outside. Something was on my front porch, something bigger than a raccoon, something…white? With hooves? Sinatra, is that you? You see, Sinatra has learned a new…

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The Second Happiest Strider Update We Could Hope For

Since our move to SAFE Harbor Stables back in July of 2012, life hasn’t been entirely easy for our friend Strider. For several months after the move, the burned area on his back still needed to be protected from sun and rain, so he lived in a covered enclosure next to…

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Bath time for Ginger!

Ginger let us give her a real bath! She was a little upset at first but I told her it was to help the itching and she seemed to understand. She did great! Fly spraying and baths will soon be easy! Xoxo Ginger Rogers! 

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Misty is back to work!

Foster/Trainer update on Misty to share: Misty is just coming out of about three weeks off work due to a splint. She wasn’t lame, but we thought it best to rest her for a bit. (Unfortunately, we missed the show!) During her time off she was so sweet and personable,…

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Champion SAFE Pony: Maggie

We’re so proud of all the SAFE horses who competed at the SAFE Show this year, but one of them in particular put in an especially impressive performance. Along with her young rider, Miss Kirann Gable, our Mustang pony mare Maggie was champion of both the Trot Poles…

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A positive Chance update

Great news…Chance’s drain came out today. Brittney reports that his wound is closing up nicely, so in a few days we can hopefully release him from the high-line in his stall so that he can lie down again if he want to. He’s been getting SMZs to fight infection in…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Go Joey Go!

After a couple of days cooped up inside by bad weather, Joey was feeling good, good, GOOD to get outside for a nice little jog!

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Adoption Announcement: Scarlett!

Since coming to SAFE last spring, SAFE barn manager Lori, who is an equine bodyworker, spent a lot of time massaging and working with Scarlett. And it wasn’t long before Scarlett’s charm and beautiful soulful eyes made Lori fall in love with her. This is truly one of…

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Anderson in Training

Early in July of this year, we made the decision to put Anderson back into training, this time with Joel Conner. Although Anderson had a good start as a riding horse, there were some holes in his training that had started cropping up. A bucking incident unseated SAFE…

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Stormy’s Eyes

Stormy got a visit from Rainland Farm Equine veterinarian Megan McCracken DVM earlier this month, including an eye examination to try to determine how serious her condition is. Below, you can read the report from Dr McCracken in all its clinical detail. Stormy has a…

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Intake Photos

Prince, Rico, Vida, Rosie, and Ruckus were surrendered to SAFE after their owner passed away unexpectedly from cancer. The five horses were transported without incident to a SAFE foster home, where they will remain until their quarantine period is over. We’ve been…

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Congratulations to Ruth and Bucky B Lucky!

SAFE Alum, Bucky B Lucky (who now goes by Lorenzo) and his adopter Ruth Jelinek were named Reserve Champions overall at the Ride for the Roses Thoroughbred & Half-Thoroughbred Show at Donida Farm this weekend. Along with this honor, they also achieved the High…

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