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SAFE awarded a training grant from the ASPCA

We are extremely pleased to announce that SAFE has been awarded a $4,000 Training Grant from the ASPCA Equine Fund. This grant was given in recognition of SAFE’s commitment to producing good equine citizens who are ready to succeed, through the use of professional…

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2012: A Year in Review

As 2012 draws to a close and SAFE begins looking forward towards its 8th year of operation, we have a lot to celebrate! We accomplished a great deal this year! New Intakes for 2012 11 horses taken from Animal Control agencies (Oscar, Scooter, Marta, Shay, Louie,…

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Cameo arrives at SAFE Harbor

Last Thursday, Animal Control officers transported Logan, Skye and Chip from Frontier Park to SAFE Harbor Stables, but the fourth horse that SAFE agreed to take from the seizure did not make the trip. That’s because the officers were unable to even catch Cameo in her…

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Skye & Logan Updates

Brittney has been putting in a lot of time working with Skye and Logan, the new intakes who are at SAFE Harbor Stables. (Chip is at NWESC awaiting his gelding surgery and Cameo is still at Frontier Park). Here’s what she’s has to say about how each of them are doing:…

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New horses at SAFE

SAFE has agreed to take four of the horses that were seized by Pierce County Animal Control in late September 2012 from a property in Graham, WA. Three of the horses were transported to SAFE and NWESC today; the fourth is currently still at Frontier Park where PCAC…

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Aiden — Adopted!!

Nothing makes us happier than when we get to announce that one of our horses has been adopted. But when it’s a horse that has been with us for a significant period of time, it’s even sweeter to be able to say that another wonderful horse has found an equally wonderful…

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Lola Photos — Dec 14, 2012

Paid a visit to Miss Lola on Friday. She was being treated for a sudden onset abscess (which has already blown out through her heel bulb), and was not the happiest of campers, but she posed for some photos anyway. Take a look at the white spots that have developed on…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Stella Medical Update

On March 24th, Stella came up completely lame on the left hind leg. Dr. McCracken came out and diagnosed her with a peroneus tertius tendon rupture. This tendon is part of the apparatus in the hind limb that coordinates flexion and extension of the stifle and hock.…

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First meeting of new friends

With Shay’s recent passing, Marta was in need of a new friend to join her at her lovely foster home in Fall City. Since we’ve determined that Aubrey is not sound enough to be ridden, she seemed a good choice. Here are photos of the two mares meeting for the first time…

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Nadia Update!

Hi Bonnie, We wanted to write and give you an update on Nadia! We adopted her from SAFE almost 5 years ago. She was my daughter Zoë’s very first horse and she is now riding her for WAHSET for Yelm High School.  I thought I’d send you some pictures of our first couple…

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