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Three new intakes at SAFE

SAFE has three new horses to introduce. All three are in emaciated condition with severe parasite loads, lice, poor coats, overgrown hooves, and facial indentations from halters that were too small for them. They are currently under the care of Dr Hannah Mueller at…

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A new look for a new year!

Introducing new horses to our supporters always comes with an array of emotion for us here at SAFE. Sadness and sometimes anger over past suffering, but also relief at being able to help, and hope for what lies ahead in the future. Today we have a different sort of…

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Help Ban Horse Slaughter in Snohomish County

The Snohomish County Council is holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday, December 19 to discuss an ordinance that would prohibit horse slaughter in Snohomish County. Not only is this a crucial measure for putting a stop to plans to re-open Florence Packing in Stanwood…

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Marta Update!

An update from Marta’s foster mom! Thank you, Eileen!!!! Marta had her hooves done on the 21st  by the lovely and talented Greer Hei, farrier and horsewoman extraordinaire. Marta was a good girl as always. Whenever there is excitement, like the farrier visiting, or…

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Welcome home, Zan!!

Today, Zanadu completed her 30 days of post-op rehab care at Northwest Equine Stewardship Center. She returned to SAFE Harbor Stables this afternoon, where she was greeted with enthusiastic whinnying from all of her friends. Zan still has a long road to recovery but…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Run free, Shay

Strength and beauty. Two words that perfectly describe Shay. In the four years that we have known her, we’ve seen her battle back from neglect to become a vibrantly, beautiful mare. She’s lived a happy life in the company of her best friend Marta under the wonderful…

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Anakin Update — March 14, 2016

Another month has flown by and the skelatal horse we met back in December is becoming more and more of a memory. Anakin has now put on nearly 200 pounds since his rescue, and he is starting to glow with renewed health and vitality. He’s enjoying more and more turnout…

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Rocky: New Photos and Heath Update

We had a nice visit last week with SAFE horse Rocky at his foster home. Jessica Farren was able to come along and took some beautiful photos of Rocky. He has really come a long way from the frightened and pained horse that SAFE took in over a year and half ago. His…

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February Volunteer of the Month: Melinda Merryman

Every volunteer that helps at SAFE does important work. Without our volunteers SAFE would not be able to accomplish as much as it does. All of them are incredible people but sometimes our volunteers go above and beyond what is asked. Melinda is one of the above and…

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Aubrey: Health Update

Dr. McCracken came to examine Aubrey and check her soundness to see if she could be a light riding horse. After palpating the front leg she determined that the bow tendon is very old, so there is no point in ultrasounding it. Dr. McCracken confirmed that Aubrey has…

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