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November Clinic Report: Scotty

November Clinic Report: Scotty 

Kaya M rode Scotty in his first Joel Conner Clinic this past November, and has the following to say about their rides together: “Scotty really proved that he’s a confident and capable riding horse this weekend! I’d only ridden him a couple times out in the big arena,…

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November Clinic Report: Bijou

November Clinic Report: Bijou 

Sara H worked alongside Bijou in the groundwork sessions in the November Joel Conner Clinic, and had the following to say about their time together!: “Who says old horses can’t learn new tricks? Bijou is a sweet and sensitive old gal who recently spent several days…

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November Clinic Report: Sienna

November Clinic Report: Sienna 

Sue C worked with Sienna during the November Joel Conner clinic, and has the following to say about their experience together: “The lovely and sage Sienna was my groundwork partner for the November 2023 Joel Conner clinic. Sienna is a kind, experienced mare who is…

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Alumni Update: Lucca

Alumni Update: Lucca 

Lucca and her adopter, Jane M., enjoyed trail riding this fall. Here, Lucca and Jane took a couple laps through Farrel-McWhirter Park before the rain. 10/15/23    

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Changes to the SAFE Alumni Program

Changes to the SAFE Alumni Program 

A letter from SAFE Alumni Program Manager Shar Conner: I wanted to let everyone know that I am going to be stepping down from my role as SAFE’s Alumni Program Manager. I’ve been in this role for 8 years now (hard to believe); it’s been a fun ride but I think now is…

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Domino’s Emotional Support Lacey

Domino’s Emotional Support Lacey 

While bringing anxious Domino into a stall every year has always been somewhat of a production, because of his friendship with Lacey we discovered last fall, this year coming inside for Domino was no big thing. The two neighbors munch their hay happily side by side,…

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Shoes for Roy

Shoes for Roy 

Roy is a special guy. His poor teeth keep him from eating hay, leading him to be on an all-mash diet. He is covered in lumps and bumps (which we think just add a cool topography to his handsome self, but understand how others might find them unseemly). He takes…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Q1 Report Card: Esme

Q1 Report Card: Esme 

Health & Feeding: Has a little bit of extra padding at the moment, but as it is winter, will not drop down her food amount. With the introduction of grass in the spring, will lower hay to account for extra calories. Notes: Esme is a sensitive mare. Can still be…

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Violet in the Outdoor Arena

Violet in the Outdoor Arena 

Early on in her tenure at SAFE, we marked Violet as brave. Not long after first stepping off the trailer, she was already leading the way on walks across the property, supporting her decidedly more nervous half-brother, Scotty. Her energy was self-assured, even in the…

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Q1 Report Card: Veronica

Q1 Report Card: Veronica 

Beginning this year, we have developed and implemented a horse ‘report card’ to be able to chart how a horse is progressing with their training, be it on the ground or under saddle. The intention is to check in with each member of the herd on a quarterly basis in an…

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Chip & Dale Seek New Home Together

Chip & Dale Seek New Home Together 

Chip and Dale, a pair of bonded and extremely huggable senior miniature horses in Snohomish, WA, seek a new home! They are a package deal and come ready to snooze in the sun, get all the scritches, and occasionally have their floofy manes braided. These two came to…

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Alumni Update: Tabitha (Willa)

Alumni Update: Tabitha (Willa)

October 2023 Update from Alyssa: I don’t take a lot of pictures or post on FB often, but I’ve been wanting to give an update on the amazing, kind, brave, incomparable miss Willa (formerly known as Tabitha/Tabbi), who came home with me from SAFE almost 5 years ago.…

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Alumni Update: Dolly (Rose)

Alumni Update: Dolly (Rose)

We recently checked in with Dolly’s (now Rose) adopter, Angela. Rose is a very happy, healthy horse. Angela has a busy schedule but still makes time a couple of days a week to groom and ride Rose at the barn. On occasional weekends, a friend of Angela’s rides Rose,…

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