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Twinning with Artie and Pepper

Twinning with Artie and Pepper 

Halloween might be over, but it appears that Pepper and Artie are still dressing up as one another! These two are truly doppelgangers, and as they both hail from the Fall City 40 herd, it may be that there is some genetic connection to their similar looks. But…

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Glamorous Nova

Glamorous Nova 

Someone is ready for their closeup! The fall leaves and Nova go together like apples and pie — a winning combo. 

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November Volunteer of the Month: Cyndi McGarry

November Volunteer of the Month: Cyndi McGarry 

Congratulations to our November Volunteer of the Month, Cyndi McGarry! Cyndi first joined us back in August of 2022, and has helped in just about every aspect of the farm since! From being on the Tuesday AM team, to her  Friday PM shift, and helping to feed our horses…

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Alumni Update: Jewel 

November 2023 From Julie: So yesterday (November 29th) I realized I made a huge, sad blunder. November 4th is Jewel’s adoption day and the day we celebrate her birthday. I’ve never forgotten it — until now. Almost a month late! I felt so bad. I apologized and tried to…

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Alumni Update: Jewel

Alumni Update: Jewel 

We received an update from Jewel’s adopter, Julie: Some of you may remember the trials and tribulations I’ve had with Jewel over the past year. Last summer she was so scared of being saddled it took months to work our way back. After a half dozen rides, we had a…

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Journeying With Montana

Journeying With Montana 

A horse’s progress is not always linear — in fact, it is often not. There are hills and valleys in horsemanship, and as living creatures with their own autonomy, it is only fair that we meet the horse where they are at each time we interact with them. Montana is a…

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Getting to Know Violet

Getting to Know Violet 

In getting to know Violet, we found two things to be true: she was in desperate need of a diet, and she was dull. Luckily, neither fact was without remedy. Over the last month, we have helped Violet shed a few lbs, and have already begun to see the true shape of the…

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Declan, One Year Later

Declan, One Year Later 

There are no timelines when it comes to our horses. We promise them that no matter how long it takes, we will be there for them to rehabilitate them into the horse they were always meant to be. This week marks the year anniversary of when we met Declan. Many wonderful…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Volunteer Education: No Hoof No Horse

Volunteer Education: No Hoof No Horse 

If you polled our volunteers and asked them what initially drew them to SAFE, the surface level answer would likely be uniform across the board: a love of horses. No shock or surprise there. But digging deeper, the answer would become nuanced between individuals. Some…

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Alumni Update: Leonardo

Alumni Update: Leonardo 

Leo is enjoying life on a 9‑acre ranch with horses, goats, sheep, chickens, dogs and cats. Leo hangs with three other horses in a very large pasture/dry lot. He is an easy-keeper and is on a feeding program that is working well to keep him from being a chunky monkey.…

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2023 Volunteer of the Year: Joan Yankis

2023 Volunteer of the Year: Joan Yankis 

We’ll say it again and again, volunteers are the heart and soul of SAFE; without them we couldn’t do all that we do, for horses! In 2023 we had over 180 active volunteers who came together and shared their time, skills and hearts, all to better the lives of horses.…

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Theo’s First Trim

Theo’s First Trim 

This golden boy deserves a star to match his pretty coat for how well he did for his first trim this week! Given his gentle personality and sweet nature, we weren’t too worried, but having your legs handled can be a bit of a challenge for even some of our more…

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Edward’s Flexion Tests

Edward’s Flexion Tests 

Have you been wondering what to expect from a soundness evaluation? Wonder no more — Edward is here to demonstrate some of the things that may be asked of your horse at a pre-purchase exam or lameness evaluation. Some good boxes to check before the appointment date…

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What do you do…?

What do you do…? 

What do you do if you are concerned about the condition or treatment of a horse that you’ve seen? Often people will contact SAFE about it, not knowing that we do not have the authority to seize animals from private individuals. We can advise you, but most likely we…

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