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April Volunteer of the Month: Sharon Bradley

Please join us in congratulating our April Volunteer of the Month, Sharon Bradley. Sharon began volunteering with us a year ago. When she first started, she was a little bit intimidated if the horses got too close. A year later, she has gained knowledge, skill and…

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You’d be grumpy too…

…if your teeth looked like this. Poor Louie had the terrible fangs… This is why we stress the importance of annual dental checkups for horses! 

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Strider settles in at SAFE

Strider is settling in at SAFE, making new friends. In the photos you see below, the holes on his back are skin grafts. They started out as tiny spots and after two months are the size of dimes. They will continue to expand out and hopefully fill out the unhealed…

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Strider is “home”!

After 7 months at NWESC, Strider has finally been released to SAFE. He still requires daily treatment of his wound area, we are going to be able to handle it ourselves. We’re thrilled to have the big guy at the SAFE farm. [gallery link=“file” order=“DESC”…

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Hello Scooter!

Scooter is notorious for being not very nice when in his stall, but all I got greeted with was nice ears! He seemed curious and interested in me but did not come over to say hi.

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Oscar Update

Oscar had his teeth done this week and they were some of the worst teeth Dr. Hannah has ever seen. Huge points and ramps that caused ulcerations all along his cheek and had worn down the opposing teeth, in some cases down to the gum line. One broken tooth. He should…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Finding the Feel: Jewel

We are all very excited that for her senior community service project, volunteer Claire Crist chose SAFE! Here is a little about her first project with Jewel. You can follow her progress online at: “My name is Claire Crist. I’ve been…

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Ben & Oscar — An Unexpected Friendship

A few weeks ago, we had a wonderful group from Microsoft come to SAFE for a Day of Caring. All the horses had to be out of the barns since the group was pressure washing and replacing gravel and mats in the stalls. So we were a little short of places to put all the…

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Phoenix shines in training!

Volunteer rider Jolene Duncan has been spending some quality time with Phoenix. When we talked about project horses Jolene could concentrate on, I was very happy she was willing to take on training with Phoenix. We both agreed that what this beautiful boy needed was a…

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Ben: Follow up Bodywork

Dr. Christin Finn came to see Ben on Friday for his third bodywork session. Each time, the work has made changes to how he moves and even the shape of his back. This time it was clear that we needed to push through some very tight back and pelvic muscles. While the…

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Anderson: Training update & Video

Anderson is coming along well in his training and shows every indication of making a great riding horse partner. Here is a video of his first ride with a saddle. You can see he is very cautious about this leather thing on his back but once Darik sits on him he had…

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Sophie Update

Volunteer trainer Laura McCorkle has been spending some time with Sophie over the last few months. Here is a little about what Laura has to say bout this young mare: “Sophie is a lovely, willowy, long-legged teenager — with all the good and sometimes aggravating…

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