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Learning First Aid with Sunny & Shasta

Learning First Aid with Sunny & Shasta 

A few weeks back, we hosted an Equine First Aid class here at SAFE, where individuals from both inside and outside our organization spent the day learning all about the basics of horse emergencies, and how to deal with them. The session was packed with loads of…

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Violet and Scotty See the Vet

Violet and Scotty See the Vet 

Here is an example of the stars aligning at SAFE: The Friday after Scotty and Violet’s arrival, there was a vet appointment on the books. Two horses needed floats, along with several who were due for one vaccination or another. Two dentals and a few pokes is a light…

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Nova’s Horror-mones

Nova’s Horror-mones 

Nova has spent the entirety of her life here at SAFE. Her first breaths, steps, and moments were here on the farm, witnessed and overseen by the people who would go on to take care of her as she grew from a gangly filly into a long-legged mare. It is safe to say that…

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Friends for Arrow

Friends for Arrow 

Arrow was a stallion when he arrived at SAFE, and while he was kind and gentle, we made plans to get him the snip as soon as possible. We are pro-gelding around here for a number of reasons, but for the sake of this article, I will specify one in particular: friends.…

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Flagging Poppy on the Rail

Flagging Poppy on the Rail 

For Poppy these days, wearing a saddle is no big deal. Nor are many of the things that once bothered her — being touched with a flag, or a rope. She has made huge strides, but there is still prep work to do when it comes to readying Poppy for a rider. One thing we do…

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Brandy’s Mouth

Brandy’s Mouth 

For some of us, getting older means our visits with doctors and specialists increase, our bodies requiring more maintenance to remain afloat. And while the same is often true for horses of a certain age, there are some cases when vet care is required less frequently.…

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Alumni Update: Miah 

Miah was rehomed in early 2023. She is now living with Ashleigh who says Miah is happy and healthy and has two little girls who love her. Miah and Ashleigh’s daughter, Zoey, went to their first performance show together in April.

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Jacob’s Return to Work

Jacob’s Return to Work 

Jacob, we have learned, vacations well. I love this term, ‘vacations’, and the implications it has for horses (and humans) alike. While I don’t exactly imagine a horse on a beach, sipping piña coladas sprawled out on a lawn chair, the reality isn’t much different: a…

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Heart of the Horse
July 20 from 5–10 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
Aug 16–18
More info >

Giving Thanks at SAFE

Giving Thanks at SAFE 

There is always so much to be thankful for here at SAFE, but for this season of thanks giving, we went around and asked some of our herd to name one thing they were thankful for this year: Brandy, during a recent arena turnout session with BFF Bandit, took a moment to…

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November Clinic Report: Bandit

November Clinic Report: Bandit 

Kirsten AL worked alongside Bandit in the November Joel Conner clinic, and said the following about this smart lady: “This sweet 26 year old has never heard the saying, ‘ you can’t teach an old dog…’ because she continues to not only learn but enjoys the…

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Meet Blanche

Meet Blanche 

Blanche, despite being named for a Golden Girl, is neither old nor golden. She is a 7‑year-old BLM mustang mare whose white freezebrand is the only part of her that isn’t black. This lovely lady came in alongside Dorothy, and despite not having known one another…

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November Clinic Report: Tiva

November Clinic Report: Tiva 

The transformative nature of the horse never fails to astound me. I suppose that in working with Tiva over the last year, it has been a bit like not being able to see the forest for the trees. Not that her progress does not feel like progress, but looking back to…

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Alumni Update: Dale

Alumni Update: Dale 

November 2023 Laura reports that Dale gets very, VERY furry for winter. With the new haircut, he resembles a mini baby bison!

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November Clinic Report: Brandy

November Clinic Report: Brandy 

Carrie S worked alongside Brandy in the November Joel Conner clinic, and had the following to say about their time together: “I participated in the November Joel Conner clinic in the groundwork class with Miss Brandy Snap.  This beautiful and kind mare has made…

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