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Zan Update — Feb 20, 2011

Sara had a lesson on Zanadu today that went really well. They are using trot poles to help with canter departs and it seems to help her a lot. No more kicking out in the departs and she is picking up the correct lead right when asked, not rushing into the canter like…

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Nadia Update — Feb 19, 2011

Nadia has gone into training!  Our trainer picked her up from the foster home on Thursday night.  She reports that Nadia looks great and that Judy, her foster mom, did a great job getting weight on her.  She worked with her a little bit yesterday, Nadia was very…

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Lexi Update — Feb 19, 2011

I am thrilled to announce that Lexi’s adoption has been approved!  She will be leaving for her new home this weekend!  Congratulations to Cindy G. of Brier, WA on her adoption of Lexi!!

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Tia Update — Feb 19, 2011

Tia is doing ok.…she continues to be happiest in her stall and gets nervous outside of her stall.  Dr. Hannah did a brief dental exam on her and most of her teeth are at the gumline so there isn’t much to be done, a few corners that could be rounded and she thinks…

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Corona Update Feb 19 2011

Corona is doing great!  His bloodwork was rechecked and his muscle enzymes which had been elevated previously are now normal, allowing him to be given some bute this week which has surely made him feel more comfortable.  He continues to be a very tolerant, good boy…

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Lucky Update — Feb 17, 2011

Today, Dr. Bryant from Pilchuck Hospital came out and took follow-up xrays on Lucky’s injury to his left front fetlock.  When he took xrays last May, he was less concerned about the bone chips (he has several, but all could be easily removed) than he was about the…

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KCTS‑9 — From Stable to Table

Aired Friday, Feb 18, 2011 on KCTS-TV channel 9 From Stable to Table examines the disturbing fate of retired racehorses and the people who try to save them. Featuring SAFE horse Bucky B Lucky!

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Sad news about Emmy

A few weeks ago, Terry was showing Emmy to some potential adopters. She looked fine at liberty and on the lunge line, but when Terry got on her to ride, Emmy pinned her ears and kicked out at her leg…behaving in a way that was very non-Emmy like! Terry got off and…

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Nala graduates from training!

Nala graduated from training last week and headed off for Safe Harbor Stables, where she immediately was enrolled in the Michael Sparling clinic! Volunteer rider Lisa G was aboard, and the two of them did quite well together. Lisa says she’s really enjoyed riding Nala…

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Misty is Available for Adoption Again

As excited we are to find potential adopters for our horses, it is always more important to us that the match be right for all involved. Our adoption process is designed to ensure that both the horse and the adopter are right for each other, and we work hard to make…

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Ben Update

Ben is looking great! He needs to gain about 100 more pounds or so but his appetite is up and he is eating very well. We are doing light liberty and ground work with him while he recovers from starvation. He is a very smart and fast learner. We will start to…

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Great progress this month for Karma

Karma is a ton of fun to ride and work! She is going very nicely for all that is being asked of her and making progress every day. She is feeling more balanced in herself and starting to hold a little more self-carriage. Her back and neck are starting to fill in with…

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Big man Chip!

We are working to clear up some accesses and fungus in this sweet boy’s feet. He has been very good for the cleanings, poultice applications, and for wearing boots. His feet are looking and smelling much better! We also turned Chip and Finn out in the arena together.…

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