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Arrow Goes to Foster

Arrow Goes to Foster 

As winter approaches, more horses find themselves in precarious situations. Older horses and hard keepers become more difficult to maintain away from pasture, and we tend to get an uptick in calls from Animal Control hoping to place horses with us along with owners…

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Welcoming Harper and Cookie

Welcoming Harper and Cookie 

Horses that come to us by way of Animal Control are often times kept quiet as the case moves through the legal system and all that that entails. Harper and Cookie are two such cases — these mares received shelter at SAFE months ago, but we have only been cleared to…

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Ready to Take Home: Pepper!

Ready to Take Home: Pepper! 

Sweet Pepper has been back at SAFE for a few months now, has received a restart under saddle, and is ready to start meeting adopters. Due to her confirmation, Pepper will never be a tremendous athlete, but she is sound for trails and light riding, which is exactly…

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Barbie Girl

Barbie Girl 

We went from lush, green meadows to buzzed dry fields in a matter of a few weeks, and soon as the rain and mud approaches, we will seed our fields and lay them to rest until next year. But even after the grass is mostly gone, the fields and lanes stay open a bit…

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Are you Team Edward?

Are you Team Edward? 

If the answer is “yes!” then you’re in luck — this handsome guy is ready for his forever home! Edward has been under saddle since May of 2022, and has really proven himself to be a very responsible and reasonable guy. With regular work, he is soft and responsive, and…

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October Volunteer of the Month: Jeanne Arredondo

October Volunteer of the Month: Jeanne Arredondo 

Congratulations to our October Volunteer of the Month, Jeanne! We are extra lucky, and get to see Jeanne twice a week, as she is a Barn Assist on Wednesdays, and joins us for the AM chores on Thursdays; which she Co-Leads with another volunteer! Coming to the barn on…

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Poppy’s First Ride!

Poppy’s First Ride! 

Poppy is a great example of how well-preparedness leads directly to a horse’s success. After a somewhat tumultuous first cinching, we realized that Poppy would need a bit more work to get her comfortable with the process, and stepped back a bit to better get her…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

2023 Q4 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: October 18, 2023 Cookie (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: November 6, 2023 Dorothy (Animal Control Seizure) Blanche (Animal Control Seizure) Placed Horses Cookie Harper Gabby Pippin Euthanized Horses Tanis

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Itches From Above

Itches From Above 

Nova Nova Nova, no longer a baby and, indeed, making that known. I’ve spoken before about Nova’s hormonal struggles, the willingness and sweetness that can flip on a dime to something unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. She is a horse who wants attention and…

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The Saga of Harissa’s Swollen Face

The Saga of Harissa’s Swollen Face 

Imagine, for a moment, a slightly better than worst-case scenario that might occur at a horse rescue. Your mind probably jumps to something medical, right? Nothing life-ending (that would be more on the worst-worst-case scenario side) but something dramatic enough…

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Alumni Update: Rae

Alumni Update: Rae 

December 2023 Check your surroundings… the holiday shenanigans may sneak up on you when you least expect it — just ask Rae!

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The Night Before Christmas: A SAFE Story

The Night Before Christmas: A SAFE Story 

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the barn, not a creature was stirring, because horses do not keep the same Gregorian calendar that us humans do, and therefore are primarily governed by their biological rhythms. And actually, I take that back, they…

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Pippin Is Adopted!

Pippin Is Adopted! 

When Pippin arrived at Sarah’s to foster back at the beginning of the year, she was a small, sickly thing. Her overall affect was flat, and despite her youth, she did not behave in the way that a young horse should. The curious, playful personality that typically…

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