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Tia Update Feb 12 2001

Tia seems to have settled down and is no longer agitated as long as she is in her stall, but her left eye is still bothering her quite a bit and very swollen and oozing. She may have banged it during her bout of anxiety, or its possible she is having a uveitis…

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Corona Update Feb 12 2011

Corona is doing very well! Dr. Hannah has spoken to the vet who saw him earlier this week and she feels like the injury will be relatively minor once we get the infection under control.   We’ve been contacted by three people who knew Corona back when he lived in…

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Tia Update — Feb. 11, 2011

Just a quick update on Tia. This morning she was again very agitated when the barn crew arrived and once again was given Ace to settle her down, which only brought her anxiety level down from about an 8 or a 9 to maybe a 5. Tia’s bloodwork came back and was somewhat…

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SAFE Journal — Feb 11, 2011

Yesterday was an extremely busy day at SAFE!  First of all, we have the new horse Corona who came in late yesterday afternoon.  Dr. Hannah finally got a chance to look at him last night.  She has not yet spoke to the vet who treated him previously (hopefully will do…

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Corona Update Feb 11 2011

Dr. Hannah finally got a chance to look at Corona last night.  She has not yet spoke to the vet who treated him previously (hopefully will do that today) but her overall impression is that it is “not too bad”, despite how bad it looks.  She was not able to get his…

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Vet Day at SAFE

Dr. Hannah had a busy day at the SAFE farm doing spring shots and dental floats on Annie, Dexter, and Lexi. Lexi was a good girl and we are hoping to wrap up her adoption soon and send her on her way to her new beginning! Dexter was good right up until the sheath…

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Tia Update — Feb 11 2011

As I mentioned in my last update on Tia, she was very nervous and worked up yesterday when I went to visit. In fact, while Dr. Hannah was at our farm working, she received several calls about Tia from her farm help at NWESC. They thought she was upset because the…

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Let’s not forget Oscar!

Oscar, if you recall, was returned to SAFE by his adopter, having regressed a great deal from the horse he was behavior-wise when he was adopted. After his return, we started noticing some lameness in his front right leg. Dr King of Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital…

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Good News about Phoenix!

We are excited as to how well Phoenix’s recovery has progressed! We are now riding him daily for about 45 mins of walk and trot work along straight lines, and he has remained sound through it all! Our next steps include introducing turnout in a small pasture; trotting…

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Video: Lucky Under Saddle

Lucky is going beautifully under saddle! He has strengthened over his top line and built up a good amount of muscle over his back. He is holding a nice self carriage and has an easy walk, trot, and canter. Lucky is ready to show First Level dressage this year and and…

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New shoes for Cameo

We have been working with farrier Jake Cowden to help Cameo’s club foot by adding shoes. We’ve been making very slow and subtle changes to her hooves, but already we are seeing signs of improvement. She is striding better in the front with lots more toe flip instead…

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