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Tia Oct 25 2010

Caiti and I worked on her rain rot and gave her a thorough grooming complete with a pretty braided tail over the weekend. She tied in the stall very well and was practically falling asleep on us as we groomed her and showed us her funny face as we scratched all her…

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Tia Update from Oct 21 2010

Tia’s fecal came back and she was LOADED with worms. 503 Strongyle ova per gram! Even the vet was surprised. I wormed her today with just a half-dose of Ivermectin and am hoping that she doesn’t get sick from the die-off. In a week she will get dosed again with a full…

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Tia Photos from Oct 19 2010

Here are some photos. I think some of these pictures really capture her spirit. She is obviously thrilled to be in the company of other horses and seems very happy to be where she is now. Hopefully she is on her way to feeling better as well. [gallery link=“file”…

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Tia Background & History — Aug 19 2010

Tia was brought to our attention by one of our volunteers, who has been involved in Animal Rescue efforts for some time. She was located in Skokomish, on an Indian Reservation near Shelton. There is no Animal Control in that area, but fortunately the horse was bad…

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Lexi Update from Aug 8 2010

I just had to post how proud I am of Lexi. She did GREAT for me at the show, especially considering I’d only started working with her the previous week and she’d had a month or two off before that. Anyway, for the record she won the dressage Intro A & B classes as…

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Lexi Update from Aug 4 2010

Update from foster mom: Lexi is doing well and we’re going to try all sorts of classes at the show Saturday (dressage, english, western, trail — all walk/trot). She’s a good all arounder. I’ve been working with her lightly almost daily since I picked her up last week…

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Lexi Update from July 27 2010

Lexi hasn’t had much done with her the last few months due to lack of volunteers to ride her, and she has gotten a bit fat and sassy. Last night she was ridden by Amy, who previously fostered Whisper and Aiden, and then Amy took her home to work with her for the next…

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
More info >

The Paddock Paradise Project

Turnout. Every horse owner wants to provide more of it, but that’s often easier said than done. Land is expensive, and here in the Pacific Northwest, our winters and our horses can turn a lovely pasture to mud faster than you can say “What happened to my lovely…

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SAFE Values Statement

SAFE is currently going through an exciting period of development and growth, and as a result, we’ve had the opportunity to take a closer look at who we are and why we choose to do the things that we do. Having defined these values for ourselves, it seemed to make…

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Owen Training Update

Owen’s work under saddle with trainer Matt Olson is proceeding right on schedule…our curly boy is now walking, trotting, and cantering with a rider. If you’ve been following Owen’s story, you’ll know that we’ve all been a bit surprised at how well he’s done in his…

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November Volunteer of the Month: Karen Wegehenkel

The SAFE horses are all beautiful in their own way, and no one has done more to convey and share that beauty than equine photographer Karen Wegehenkel. Karen’s photographs are so beautiful, in fact, that it might surprise you to learn that this professional equine…

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Things We’re Thankful For

It’s the time of year when we like to look upon our blessings and be thankful, and the SAFE family has so much to be thankful for. Many of our blessings walk on four feet, and some are bigger than others, but none are bigger than Strider, who gives us 18 hands of…

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Rocky Update

An update on Rocky, our champion fighter! After intake, Rocky was transported immediately to Cedarbrook Veterinary to begin his rehabilitation. Hoof care specialist Daphne Jones (The Bare Horse) was called in to begin the process of addressing his severely neglected…

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