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Lexi Update from June 25 2009

Lexi’s training is coming along very well. Like Rhythm, she is also now walking and trotting around the big arena under saddle. We also, after much discussion and getting Dr. Hannah’s blessing, put front shoes on Lexi as she seemed like she was getting footsore. She…

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Lexi Update from June 3 2009

Lexi has also progressed to having a rider leaning over her back at a walk. She’s a little more nervous with Rhythm and hence a little behind him but coming along nicely as well.

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Lexi Update from May 29 2009

Lexi is doing well in her first couple of weeks in training. She has learned to cross-tie, lunge, get baths, and is wearing a saddle and bridle. She wasn’t thrilled with the bit at first (was trying to spit it out) and bucked the second time she was saddled but has…

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Lexi Update from Sept 30 2008

I visited Lexi this past weekend and she is still chunky and is getting her fuzzy winter coat which does nothing to help her look slimmer. She spends her days in a pasture with Rhythm and Willy a QH gelding. She is still very sweet, but preferred to graze over…

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Lexi Update from July 29 2008

Here are some photos of Lexi from last July. She’s doing great (although a bit on the tubby side), although she did have an abcess a few weeks ago (she’s fine now). 

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Lexi Update from June 28 2008

Lexi was seen by Dr. Hannah yesterday to evaluate her soundness and ability to be started under saddle. We had xrays taken in 2005 and then again this spring by NW Equine for comparison purposes. Armed with her xrays, Dr. Hannah did flexion tests, trotted her in…

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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A visit with Sapphire

SAFE Volunteer Manager Heather shared these photos of Sapphire on the SAFE Tumblr page. I asked her to fill us in on how our girl is faring at her foster home. “I take lesson there on Saturdays,” Heather explained, “and I get to spend time with Sapphire. She spent the…

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Trotting with Owen

One week under saddle and Owen is making astounding progress with trainer Matt Olson. Check out this video, taken at the end of Owen’s lesson last Thursday. Did you notice how willingly Owen walked over the “bridge” from the trails course? How about that reinback? All…

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October Training Report

Phoenix had a hard month concentrating under saddle. He continues to look sound on the front but does come out of his stall pretty stiff both in the front and hind. He had quite a few naughty days this month mostly due to work, noise, and activity at the barn that…

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Finn Update

We’ve had a setback with Finn’s soundness this month. He has had some slight stiffness and isn’t looking as comfortable as he had been. When farrier Jake came to put on his new shoes last week, we noticed a bruise next to his frog on the right front. There was no…

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First ride for Karma, and more great news!

I have to say this little grey mare has my heart right now! She is making great strides in her rehabilitation and there is a lot of hope for the sweet side of this mare breaking through. She was very cautious when she first came to Safe Harbor and we made sure to take…

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