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Poppy’s First Ride!

Poppy’s First Ride! 

Poppy is a great example of how well-preparedness leads directly to a horse’s success. After a somewhat tumultuous first cinching, we realized that Poppy would need a bit more work to get her comfortable with the process, and stepped back a bit to better get her…

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Wren’s First Saddle

Wren’s First Saddle 

For many of the horses who come to SAFE who are in need of a start or a restart, we spent a great deal of time preparing them for their first saddling and their first rides. But due to the variation in personalities and past histories, the speed at which we are able…

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Introducing Pippin

Introducing Pippin 

Horses contain multitudes: they can be regal, majestic, brave, goofy, beautiful… the list goes on. But I would argue that most full-size horses don’t usually conjure the word ‘cute.’ Mini horses, on the other hand, are the epitome of ‘cute.’ And if there is an even…

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Alumni Update: Otto

Alumni Update: Otto 

A note from Gabby, Otto’s adopter: Thank you SAFE, for everything you did for Mr. Otto-matic. He has blossomed even more over the last 5 months! Growing up even more. His feed program is free fed by net — quality orchard grass, 3 quarts of soaked beet pulp and 3…

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Tiva, All Cinched Up!

Tiva, All Cinched Up! 

Tiva has been working hard this summer, if not to fit into a bikini, then for something infinitely better: a saddle. There had been talk of Tiva meeting a saddle from the beginning. Even in those earliest days when she was a wild creature, pinning her ears and…

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September Clinic Report: Bandit

September Clinic Report: Bandit 

Kirsten AL has been working with Bandit for some months, and worked alongside her in the September Joel Conner Clinic. Below, she reflects on the experience of the three days spent together and what she and Ms. Bandit learned: “Day 1 question – How to decrease cranky…

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Run Free, Big Girl

Run Free, Big Girl 

Heaven welcomed a new angel yesterday morning. It is with a heavy heart we share the loss of SAFE alumni Camille. She was living happily with her adoptive family of humans and horses until the end. Her condition and comfort had declined to the point that it was time…

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Moshi, Ready for Adoption!

Moshi, Ready for Adoption! 

Moshi is one of three Graham horses left at SAFE, and one of two currently available for adoption (Addie being the other, with Poppy still in her early days under saddle). While only started earlier this year, Moshi has made great progress as a riding horse, and is…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Pippin Is Adopted!

Pippin Is Adopted! 

When Pippin arrived at Sarah’s to foster back at the beginning of the year, she was a small, sickly thing. Her overall affect was flat, and despite her youth, she did not behave in the way that a young horse should. The curious, playful personality that typically…

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Brunch with the Gals

Brunch with the Gals 

Ciara joined one of the mare herds recently, making new friends with Fancy, Frosting, Bijou, and Inula (who was already a known quantity to her, being her daughter and all). Ciara is a good herdmate in that she is the opposite of meddlesome. In fact, at the first sign…

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Training Update: Violet

Training Update: Violet 

After a relatively uneventful first ride here at SAFE, Violet has been going well under saddle for the past few months. She had been started in her youth, but because a good deal of time had passed and we knew little about what that start looked like, we took things…

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Training Update: Jupiter

Training Update: Jupiter 

Getting to know Jupiter has been a pleasurable experience. Beginning his training journey here was not starting from scratch — he had some experience being saddled and ridden in the past — and while that doesn’t always mean that things will be easy (often it means…

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Cozy Montana

Cozy Montana 

Who’s that chill guy with his head out his stall window? Could it be Montana? Indeed it could, and it is! This fuzzy, fluffy head spends the majority of its time (when not eating, of course) lazily draped outside into the barn aisle, watching the evening’s proceedings…

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Autumn Beginning to Settle

Autumn Beginning to Settle 

If this image had a sound, it would be a ferocious snort. Even from a respectful distance, Autumn remains incredibly wary. It is clear that this girl has some serious trust issues, and while we knew she would need time, we always wish we could fast forward to the part…

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