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Mirana’s Scrape

Mirana’s Scrape 

When we play ‘musical horses’ at SAFE, shifting paddock assignments around for one reason or another, we make two variations on the traditional rules of the game. The first is that everyone ends up with a spot at the end, and the second is that we typically don’t play…

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Alumni Update: Logan (Razin)

Alumni Update: Logan (Razin)

Razin, known now as Logan, is living a fine life with his horse buddy Liam, three mini donkeys, four dogs and of course his loving human family. Liam and Logan have their own stalls, but they sleep together in Liam’s if they choose to go in at night. Heather takes…

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Addie’s Perfect Feet

Addie’s Perfect Feet 

When the Graham horses arrived at SAFE last November, their feet were a stinky mess. Overgrown toes, cracks and chips, and thrush for days. They were all, lucky for us, willing participants for the farrier, who was able to see them quickly after their arrival. But one…

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Checking in with Edward

Checking in with Edward 

As summer begins its descent into fall, as the mornings grow a little hazier and the evenings come a little sooner, as the air takes on a crisper quality, some people begin to think about vampires. It’s not as outrageous a thought as it sounds! ‘Tis the season for…

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Learning First Aid with Sunny & Shasta

Learning First Aid with Sunny & Shasta 

A few weeks back, we hosted an Equine First Aid class here at SAFE, where individuals from both inside and outside our organization spent the day learning all about the basics of horse emergencies, and how to deal with them. The session was packed with loads of…

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Violet and Scotty See the Vet

Violet and Scotty See the Vet 

Here is an example of the stars aligning at SAFE: The Friday after Scotty and Violet’s arrival, there was a vet appointment on the books. Two horses needed floats, along with several who were due for one vaccination or another. Two dentals and a few pokes is a light…

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Nova’s Horror-mones

Nova’s Horror-mones 

Nova has spent the entirety of her life here at SAFE. Her first breaths, steps, and moments were here on the farm, witnessed and overseen by the people who would go on to take care of her as she grew from a gangly filly into a long-legged mare. It is safe to say that…

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Friends for Arrow

Friends for Arrow 

Arrow was a stallion when he arrived at SAFE, and while he was kind and gentle, we made plans to get him the snip as soon as possible. We are pro-gelding around here for a number of reasons, but for the sake of this article, I will specify one in particular: friends.…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Jacob on Equioxx

Jacob on Equioxx 

Handsome Jacob is, as the kids are saying these days, ‘built different.’ defines this term as a description of a person or thing that is on another level. While this isn’t exactly untrue of Jacob, I meant it more in the literal, physical sense. Jacob is…

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Working with Barb: A Reflection

Working with Barb: A Reflection 

Barb is a little bay lightning bolt, electricity on four fuzzy legs. I see Barb every day, but it was not until spending a few concentrated hours with her over the course of a few days that I was reminded how much personality lives in that petite body. Some might call…

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Poppy for Adoption

Poppy for Adoption 

If Poppy arrived at SAFE as a flower, it was as the first little green tendrils that come poking up through the dirt. Poppy was the shy little shadow to her near-twin Moshi, evasive about being caught and touchy about being handled. She had a bit more trouble to work…

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Arrow Thrives at Foster

Arrow Thrives at Foster 

Over the hill and through the woods, Arrow is living his very best life at his foster home. He has a vista of rolling hills to look out at from where his shelter sits, friends to share his hay with, and plenty of cozy places to nap in. Nap time is a sacred time for…

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Dorothy’s Family Tree

Dorothy’s Family Tree 

Dorothy has no white markings. Her coat is comprised of a spectrum of browns, ones that Pantone labels as ‘shaved chocolate’ and ‘molé’ and ‘ganache’ — rich, chocolatey adjectives. However, if you were to curl up her top lip, you would find the mark that humans have…

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December Volunteer of the Month: Kirsten Lints

December Volunteer of the Month: Kirsten Lints 

Congratulations to our December Volunteer of the Month, Kirsten Lints! Kirsten has been sharing her time, hard work and love with our horses for almost 3 years now! She started on a morning chore shift and moved into the role of Friday Barn Assist. As well, Kirsten is…

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