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Aiden Update from Mar 31 2010

I’m Aiden’s foster mom, and the cutie is doing well. He always tries hard, even if he could still use more confidence. It seems like he’ll have a great work ethic without being hot. I think once he finds his “person” his confidence will flourish and he’ll be totally…

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Delilah Updates from Mar 27 2010

7:23 am: Unfortunately, Delilah is not taking to motherhood as well as we had hoped. I have been up every two hours all night because she will not stand to let him nurse without being held and forced to. Dr. Evergreen was just here to do the iGg test and he looks…

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Here you go…many more pictures to come but I need to feed horses, myself, take a shower, eat, and maybe take a nap first. But mom and baby are doing great and he’s a healthy, strapping big solid dark bay colt. He’s been up, nursed, and all the things he’s supposed…

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Foal Watch 2010

March 24 Nope…no foal…! But man, that is one big mare and she can make one HUGE mess! Have I mentioned how much I hate cleaning a stall bedded with straw? UGH! And she is drinking about 6 full 5‑gallon buckets of water every day and then peeing it all back out…

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Delilah Update from Mar 20–21 2010

Hoping to get some updated photos of Delilah today. She’s bagging up and getting close I think. She’s huge and uncomfortable and has lots of edema under her belly and between her front legs. Yesterday she got a little excited and tried to do a little head flip/mini…

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Sinatra Update from Mar 9 and 16 2010

Mar 9 Sinatra is doing great! The trainer reports he is the easiest to start so far. She’s been on him at the walk several times now and he’s just really good. She will trot him tomorrow. She says he might be one we could get away with just 30 days on if he stays…

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
More info >

Ginger Makes Us Smile

We are overjoyed to update everyone on Ginger’s progress! This girl has made such a wonderful transformation under Kim Lacy’s training. When we contacted Kim about taking on a SAFE horse to foster she happily accepted and offered to donate her training services and…

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The girls are back!

Cameo and Skye graduated from training at the end of April and returned to Safe Harbor Stables to continue their education under Terry’s guidance. The two are settling in nicely, and are both healthy, happy, and feeling good. Terry’s been giving them both some…

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A home for Savannah

We are delighted to announce that our sweet Savanah has been adopted!!! Congratulations to SAFE volunteer Sandi N who met Savannah at SAFE and forged a strong connection with this lovely mare. Savannah is now living at her new home which she shares with a mare…

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Saving Summer

We said goodbye to a dear old friend this week. Surrounded by adoring friends, at the farm she’s called home for the past few years, Summer was humanely euthanized. Summer’s health had been slowly failing over the past six months or so, and she was starting to have a…

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A Big Day for Owen

Today was full of new experiences for our man Owen. As you know, Owen is a stallion, and it has always been our intention to change him into a happy gelding, as we do with all intact male horses that end up in our rescue program. When we agreed to take Owen in, we…

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