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Holly Update — Feb 9, 2010

Update from Holly’s adopter: We have been taking advantage of this nice weather. Holly is happy to be back to work.  I need to measure her again…I think she has grown some more since last year.

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Annie Update from Feb 8 2010

Annie had some time off while the arena was occupied with the new mares but we were back to work yesterday. I was pleased that she was really good despite not being ridden in nearly three weeks! We had been making headway in the canter and that has taken a few steps…

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Summer Update from Feb 7 2010

Update from foster home: Hi fans of Summer, I wanted to let everyone know how Summer is doing. We’ve been fostering her since late Sept. I needed a companion to my wonderful 30 year old gelding, Mac, and he and Summer really hit it off. We lost Mac in mid January. He…

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Baxter Photo Gallery — Feb 6, 2010

I am really thrilled to report that at Baxter’s weighing in today he has finally showed significant weight gain, up to 900 lbs. on the weight tape and he looks so much better! The huge gap between his butt cheeks is down to less than an inch now (instead of like 3–4…

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Sasha — Feb 5, 2010

Megan has opted to list Sasha via our SAFE-Assisted rehoming program. As most of you are aware, Sasha suffered a suspensory injury to her right hind last summer. Here is a write-up that was provided by the vet: Having just reviewed Sasha’s history, the summary is that…

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Sinatra Update from Jan 31 2010

Well it looks like Sinatra has grown! We measured him this weekend and he is just a hair over 14h! Yay Sinatra! Here he is after as good of a grooming as you can do for him in the winter. Thank goodness for blankets on white horses! 

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
More info >

Skittles is Ready!

We’ve had a lot of good things to say about Skittles since she arrived at SAFE after her rehabilitation at NWESC. Let’s recap: She’s beautiful. A bright chestnut Arab with a big wide blaze and three white socks, she’ll catch your eye for sure! She’s healthy. NWESC did…

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Dottie Belle

Here’s our Dottie, enjoying some bodywork from Pilchuck’s Dr Meyer:   photo by Deunan Berkeley

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Skittles Training Update

Skittles did very well on the trail ride Sunday. She is very brave, liked to lead, and had a go button. Overall she stayed calm and listened well. She would have loved to run up the hills but I was able to keep her at a walk. She was fine with the other horses too. I…

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Ruby Red

Ruby is a lucky horse who has an entire community behind her, pulling for her recovery! She got a visit today from one of her major benefactors, SAFE supporter Bernice S, who spent some time with our girl in the company of SAFE president Debi Shatos. Debi reports that…

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Good news for Jewel?

Dr King of Pilchuck Vet Hospital came out to SHS and donated her time to give lameness exams to some of the SAFE horses. We asked her to take a look at Miss Jewel, and her assessment of Jewel’s crooked leg was not half bad. In fact, she told us she’s seen perfectly…

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Time off for Oscar

Oscar has been showing some front end lameness since his return to SAFE. This lameness, which appears to be in his right front leg, isn’t noticeable at the beginning of a ride, but seems to get progressively worse as he is exercised. Dr King of Pilchuck Veterinary…

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