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Dexter Update from Jan 14 2010

Dexter got his booster vaccinations today and the final verdict on his age — he is definitely a coming 5 year old, not a coming 3 year old. I don’t think the vet looked very closely last time because we had already been told he was 3. But he has canines which put him…

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Annie Update from Jan 10 2010

I had a great time today and am SO glad we went. Annie is a very pretty girl and she was very brave for her first trail ride. Dexter was GREAT as well! We were able to get a group photo after. 

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Dexter Update from Jan 10, 2010

Dexter went on a trail ride today. It was so much fun! Thank you so much to Kathleen for planning this and to Barbara for leading the ride! Dexter was awesome, this horse is seriously cool…he is so very solid and safe. I was so tired when I got back though that I…

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Dexter Update from Jan 9, 2010

I’ve been in contact with someone who thinks she knows who Dexter is. She described his markings pretty accurately (left shoulder marking of a longhorn, and another similar shaped marking under his throatlatch which you can not see in the pictures but he does indeed…

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Dexter Update from Jan 3, 2010

Dexter had his second ride today and did great! We have an eventer trainer named Leigh Mescher doing some volunteer training for us. She rode Amber and her working student, Ashley, rode Dexter. He doesn’t steer super well but otherwise, he did great! She cantered him…

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Baxter Update from Jan 1, 2010

Baxter is doing really well and he was excellent for being patient while myself and three volunteers worked on him today. He got his hind end cleaned up a bit since he had the runs after his deworming and he got his tail cleaned, brushed and braided and his mane…

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Annie Update from Dec 31 2009

Update from Allison: I rode Annie again yesterday and she was good. She is still a handful on the ground but resonds very well to verbal corrections. She continues to go well under-saddle, tho she still needs work in the canter. She has a tendancy to cross-canter but…

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
More info >

The Amazing Owen

Owen had made so much progress since our last update, but yesterday was a stellar day for this fine young man. Owen is now wearing a halter — on his face! But before we tell you how that milestone was reached, we have to say a great big thank you to Jenny M, who you…

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Ruby’s Recovery

Ruby continues her slow recovery at NWESC, where she is getting hands-on care and attention following the birth, and passing, of her foal. She is definitely not out of the woods yet, but her condition has stabilized. Initial blood tests revealed that she was severely…

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Phoenix in Rehab

Here’s volunteer Stephanie riding Phoenix during his rehab session yesterday at Safe Harbor! As of this week, Phoenix is now being walked up to 30 minutes per day. Happily he’s being a wonderfully well behaved gentleman for his rehab…not to mention stunningly…

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We named her Grace

Many of our supporters have asked for more detail about what happened to Ruby’s foal. If you missed the beginning of the story, you can read it here. Another busy Saturday night at NWESC had Dr. Hannah Mueller caring for her patients. She passed Ruby’s stall to see…

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Saddle? No problem!

Mr Finn was a superstar yesterday! He wore a saddle for the first time since coming to SAFE and was completely unfazed by the experience. Terry says was a perfect gentleman! Way to go, Finn!! As we’ve mentioned before, when we took Finn on as a SAFE horse, we were…

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Happy saddle day, Sapphire!

Sapphire wore a saddle for the first time today as a SAFE horse, and she was a champ! Terry was even able to lay across her back and have a volunteer lead her around the arena for a few steps. Great work, Sapphy!!

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