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Alumni Update: Ajax

Alumni Update: Ajax 

Ajax is very happy in his home with Gary and Nancy. He and his horse friend, Cheyenne, are very bonded and enjoy the retired life – both being about 29 years of age. Ajax has hypothyroid and is on medication.

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Training Update: Frosting in the Snaffle

Training Update: Frosting in the Snaffle 

Frosting is really coming into herself as nice little mare! Hers is truly an ugly duckling story — it is hard to believe the scraggly, ratty little creature who arrived at SAFE is the same mare who stands before us now, a true beauty. But looks aren’t everything, and…

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August Volunteer of the Month: Tracy Carrithers

August Volunteer of the Month: Tracy Carrithers 

Congratulation to our August Volunteer of the Month, Tracy! We are so fortunate Tracy found SAFE, and agreed to start volunteering in one of the coldest, wettest and muddiest times of the year, January (2022)! Every Wednesday PM, Tracey greets us with their warm,…

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Declan: Companion

Declan: Companion 

After giving it a fair shake, Declan told us that he was done being a riding horse, and would very much prefer the companion lifestyle. And we, as responsible stewards of his care, listened to him. To recap: it was clear pretty early on in his training that he had…

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Montana’s New Friend

Montana’s New Friend 

There lives a permanent resident here at SAFE, one who is not kept within the boundaries of a fence. She stands with her head down all day, grazing a spot on the lawn that stays perpetually green beneath her feet. She doesn’t move at all, so well behaved is she. You…

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Alumni Update: Freya

Alumni Update: Freya 

Here’s an update from a recent visit to Freya’s home. Freya is a companion horse to a Paso Fino named Mocha, who is lightly ridden. The two are very bonded and Freya will call and pace when Mocha is out, but she is only out for short rides, so is not gone long. A…

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Special Sienna

Special Sienna 

Sienna has many fans here at SAFE. It’s not difficult to see why — she’s a true gentlewoman of a horse, with a kind demeanor that makes her easy to be around for even the most novice of horse people. Oftentimes when polled on who is their favorite horse, volunteers…

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Esme’s First Trail Ride

Esme’s First Trail Ride 

Esme started her time at SAFE as a curious, yet standoffish mare, spending her days playing chase with Jacob and Edward out on the grass field they shared. She was challenging to catch, requiring a practiced (and patient) touch. And while there are still some days…

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Heart of the Horse
July 20 from 5–10 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
Aug 16–18
More info >

Alumni Update: Jewel

Alumni Update: Jewel 

We received an update from Jewel’s adopter, Julie: Some of you may remember the trials and tribulations I’ve had with Jewel over the past year. Last summer she was so scared of being saddled it took months to work our way back. After a half dozen rides, we had a…

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Journeying With Montana

Journeying With Montana 

A horse’s progress is not always linear — in fact, it is often not. There are hills and valleys in horsemanship, and as living creatures with their own autonomy, it is only fair that we meet the horse where they are at each time we interact with them. Montana is a…

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Getting to Know Violet

Getting to Know Violet 

In getting to know Violet, we found two things to be true: she was in desperate need of a diet, and she was dull. Luckily, neither fact was without remedy. Over the last month, we have helped Violet shed a few lbs, and have already begun to see the true shape of the…

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Declan, One Year Later

Declan, One Year Later 

There are no timelines when it comes to our horses. We promise them that no matter how long it takes, we will be there for them to rehabilitate them into the horse they were always meant to be. This week marks the year anniversary of when we met Declan. Many wonderful…

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Autumn is Here

Autumn is Here 

On the direct heels of Tanis’ passing several weeks ago, we received a call regarding a horse in need — another roan mare. It felt, admittedly, a bit like kismet. We know that Autumn’s story starts with an Animal Control seizure. She was one of group of 44 horses…

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