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Greta update — Jan 7, 2009

Here’s an update on Greta: Sorry I haven’t been better at staying in touch. I moved Greta last summer to a small farm that is 4 miles from my house, she loves her new pal and we did a few trail rides together over the summer. Unfortunately she developed acute…

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Lola Update from Jan 6, 2009

Lola got her feet done today as well…she was a very good girl and we had no issues getting her done quickly. She really likes attention, she just likes to act grumpy but as soon as you start petting her, her little ears come up. She’s just insecure and trying to…

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Aiden Update from Jan 6, 2009

Aiden got his first hoof trimming today. He was so good! He was a little unsure about it and jumped a couple of times but didn’t try very hard and by the time we got to the last two feet he was standing there like a perfect angel. His sister Lola (not sure if they are…

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Whisper Update — January 6, 2009

Whisper went down tonight and gave her foster mom a scare. But I had her bring out the grain, give her a few bites and then take it away and sure enough, Whisper got herself right up. Crisis averted. Good girl, Whisper! ***** Monica checked on Whisper every couple…

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Whisper Update — January 5, 2009

From Bonnie: a little birdie just told me that Whisper is on her way home this afternoon!! We have received a tremendous amount of support for Whisper’s care, and it is thanks to all of you that we were able to send her to Pilchuck when she needed to be sent there.…

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Aiden Update from Jan 4, 2009

Aiden Update from Jan 4, 2009

Aiden is the sweetest little colt! Little Lola is a spitfire…she’s got lots of attitude especially when food is near and her little ears will go flat back (but she doesn’t do anything except try to look mean, which is really just cute). Aiden on the other hand, is…

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Whisper Update — January 4, 2009

I have the MOST excellent news from Pilchuck! Whisper got herself up, all on her own, THREE times yesterday! We are giving her one more day and if she continues to do well, we plan on bringing her home tomorrow!

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Whisper Update — January 2, 2009

From Laura: I went to see Whisper today at 11:30. She was standing up, and munching on her hay. The little Miss was very bright eyed, and met me at the stall door. (She must have known that I was accompanied by an apple.) After she ate her apple, she promptly…

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Moonshine Update

Moonshine was such a superstar at the Haunted Open House! His was the most involved costume of all the horses, and he handled it like…like…like he’d been wearing clothes his whole life. After the party was over, I took several more shots of him hanging out in his…

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Dottie the Dragon!

Dottie wore a dragon costume for the Haunted Open House, and she was cute as a bug in her SAFE purple splendor! The base of the costume was a full hooded lyrca slinky, and Dottie was completely unfazed by having it put on her. In fact, once it was on, she seemed happy…

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We have a challenge grant to announce!!!

Our Fall Into Winter Feed Drive is in full swing, and so far the response from our wonderful supporters has been terrific! We are nearly half way to our goal of $15,000 by Nov 30…and it’s still October! That is pretty exciting! All the horses at SAFE are very…

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Skye’s transformation!

You’ll often hear us say “it takes a herd to save a horse.” In Skye’s case, it is not a metaphor! In June, Dave Zanotelli and his daughter Julia offered to foster a SAFE horse. They are both very skilled at doing groundwork training and they were willing to take on a…

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