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Deeds Update from July 13 2008

Update from Deeds’ adopter, Kate: I have to gush about how amazed I am by this boy: Each day we’ve been taking little walks and just doing some getting-to-know-you stuff, grooming and so on. Last night, he was more than happy to just stand next to me while I chatted…

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Deeds Update from July 8 2008 and July 9 2008

Update from Deeds’ adopter, Kate: Whew! That was a looooong trip! Luckily, the big guy was quite relaxed each time i checked on him on the way to Lynden (though he was rather sassy about getting IN the trailer, thank you Bonnie for helping!). When we finally arrived…

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Deeds Update from July 6 2008

Congratulations to Kate A. of Ferndale, WA on her adoption of Deeds!  I can’t wait to see photos and hear how he is doing at your place. I am so happy he has found such a wonderful new home!! It took almost a year, but good things always come to those who wait. From…

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Sinatra Update from June 30 2008

Sinatra is actually starting to grow into himself and look like a horse. And he can move! When he gets going he is really quite fancy to watch. No action shots today but here are a couple enjoying his HUGE new pasture with Phoenix!  LOOK at this! He has straightened…

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Buckwheat Update from June 24 2008

From Jenny: I briefly visited Bucky last week — it was a bittersweet visit because of Shante’s passing (Shante’s final resting place is a lovely spot on kind of a knoll, under a huge tree). Bucky was eating his mush and hay when I arrived; he’s all shed out, his coat…

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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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A dry lot for Shay & Marta

Shay was showing some increased signs of lameness last week, so she was seen by Dr Owens of Owens Equine. As we already know, Shay has clearly had laminitis in the past and has a 30-degree rotation in both front feet. Despite being carefully managed (which Dr. Owens…

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Funny, but not funny

I was awake, but hadn’t yet gotten out of bed around 7 this morning, when I heard an unusual racket from outside. Something was on my front porch, something bigger than a raccoon, something…white? With hooves? Sinatra, is that you? You see, Sinatra has learned a new…

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The Second Happiest Strider Update We Could Hope For

Since our move to SAFE Harbor Stables back in July of 2012, life hasn’t been entirely easy for our friend Strider. For several months after the move, the burned area on his back still needed to be protected from sun and rain, so he lived in a covered enclosure next to…

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Bath time for Ginger!

Ginger let us give her a real bath! She was a little upset at first but I told her it was to help the itching and she seemed to understand. She did great! Fly spraying and baths will soon be easy! Xoxo Ginger Rogers! 

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