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Kelly is Adopted!

Kelly is Adopted! 

Kelly was the last of the Graham horses to arrive at SAFE, but no less loved. Actually, she quickly cemented herself as a volunteer favorite (we all know size doesn’t matter, but it’s hard not to instantly love the really big and really small ones). It was really her…

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Barb’s Recent Daze

Barb’s Recent Daze 

Oh little barb! What have you been up to? Well, for starters, she was turned out with a herd again — do you hear that sigh of relief? Finally, she said. Back in her old stomping grounds, living with other mares 24/7. Getting into trouble, of course. We have to watch…

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Nova’s Training Looks

Nova’s Training Looks 

Our lady Nova has been off at training for the last little while, and while we miss her tall, dark, and handsome self, we couldn’t be happier that she is getting a quality education under the blue skies of Ellensburg. Nova will likely always be a mare who is her best…

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June Volunteer of the Month: Brandi Reyna

June Volunteer of the Month: Brandi Reyna 

Congratulations to our June Volunteer of the Month, Brandi! We are very lucky to have the talented Brandi as a volunteer on the Wednesday AM team. Her reliability and consistency held the team together when it experienced a lot of understandable absences last winter.…

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Handsome Jacob

Handsome Jacob 

If you’re looking for a photogenic horse, a horse who practically poses for you when you take out your camera, then look no further than Jacob. Well, ok, Jacob and Edward — they’re kind of a matched set, and the way they play off one another’s energies is second to…

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Heroic Henry

Heroic Henry 

Two weeks ago, we reported that Henry had regressed in his training a bit, becoming unfocused and exhibiting herd-bound behavior. A new routine was established for him: stand tied in the big covered arena while Jax gets worked, followed by some moving and flagging…

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Otto is Adopted!

Otto is Adopted! 

Otto was born to the desert, raised alongside sun-warmed rocks and plump lizards in the wilds of Nevada. He was rounded up, tattooed, and, via some circumstances unknown to us, found his way to Washington.  A boy of only three, some of his adult teeth still sitting…

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A Bath for Moshi

A Bath for Moshi 

Being a horse at SAFE means many things: you get fed three times a day (if not more), you always have fresh clean water, you get daily vitamins and minerals, you make new friends on two legs and four, and you learn a whole lot of things. We do our best to prepare our…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Snohomish Animal Control Training Days

Snohomish Animal Control Training Days 

Recently, we were happy to host two Snohomish county animal control officers here at SAFE for a day of training. Established in 2005, SAFE hasn’t taken a year off from equine rescue in almost two decades, and over those years, we have learned a thing or two about all…

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Gabby is Adopted!

Gabby is Adopted! 

Gabby was taken in by SAFE in April of 2022, where she went directly to foster with our dear friend Trisha, who had previously fostered (and then adopted!) Caramel. Well today, I bring you another tale of a foster fail: Gabby has found a permanent home with Trisha.…

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Alumni Update: Henry (James)

October 2023 Update on James’ weight gain progress at almost 3 months after adoption! The first photo shows him when he initially arrived, while the second photo showcases his current appearance. Notably, he has been successfully building muscle in his shoulders and…

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Getting to know Scotty

Getting to know Scotty 

When we intake a horse who we know for a fact has had a riding background, we are equal parts hesitant and hopeful. There is a chance that what the horse has been taught will make for a relatively easy re-start — the mere fact they have been saddled before eliminates…

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Independent Inula

Independent Inula 

A few months back, we split up the Gig Harbor horses around the property — integrating them into herds, or otherwise facilitating a change of scenery from the paddock they’d been quarantining and living in up until that point. Mother and daughter, Ciara and Inula,…

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Ciara’s Saddling Journey

Ciara’s Saddling Journey 

Ciara came to us as part of a larger seizure in Gig Harbor, alongside a tableau of horses who, aside from their lack of proper care and handling, were, as is the nature of all living creatures, of varied personalities. The ‘easiest’ of the bunch were Ciara’s daughter…

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