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The Graham 27

The Graham 27 

On November 28, 2022, a large group of horses were seized from a property in Graham WA by Pierce County Animal Control. Fifteen of the horses were found in a large field, and the remaining twelve in an old dairy barn. The fifteen in the field were rounded up and…

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Sisters Forever

Sisters Forever 

We said goodbye to two darling horses last night and our hearts are aching. Beva and Aspen, sisters to the very end, did everything together. Last night, they shed their broken bodies and flew away, side by side for always. For Beva, it was colic, her second bad…

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Frosting’s New Friends

Frosting’s New Friends 

Our sweet filly Frosting sure is growing up quick! This little lady is really growing into a beautiful, feisty mare and has a new opportunity to figure horse things out in her new herd. Having been supported by her aunt Fancy for the last year, Frosting is ready to…

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“Brandit,” Back at SAFE

Brandit,” Back at SAFE 

As though returning from a long holiday, these two noble ladies have come back to SAFE. For many months we watched their experiences at their foster home from afar – frolicking alongside their foster siblings, enjoying a summer of grass, making friends with…

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Lacey’s Leisure Time

Lacey’s Leisure Time 

Lacey has been enjoying some time off this year; eating yummy grass, sleeping in her cozy stall, enjoying long naps in the sun, and spending time with her fenceline buddies (one of which was a very sweet donkey who she liked very much). Since Lacey let us know that…

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Bring Darla Home for the Holidays!

Bring Darla Home for the Holidays! 

Our darling Darla is looking for her forever home! This sweet mare will melt your heart with just a single look into her big doe eyes. Darla is going well under saddle, walk trot lope, but will still need an intermediate rider to help support her as she expands her…

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Alumni Update: Annie

Alumni Update: Annie 

Since Annie was adopted in 2011 she has lived with four other horses in Buckley, WA living it up as a pasture pal. Last year Annie was used in Competitive Mountain Orienteering and may do that again in the future.  Her adopter Nicole absolutely adores her. We are…

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SAFE Holiday Open House

SAFE Holiday Open House 

We’ve decided to postpone this weekend’s open house until next Sunday Dec 11. We’re concerned about the snow and ice on the roads making travel difficult or unsafe. And even if the temps warm up, that would make parking onsite here at SAFE near to impossible. Plus,…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

June Volunteer of the Month: Brandi Reyna

June Volunteer of the Month: Brandi Reyna 

Congratulations to our June Volunteer of the Month, Brandi! We are very lucky to have the talented Brandi as a volunteer on the Wednesday AM team. Her reliability and consistency held the team together when it experienced a lot of understandable absences last winter.…

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Handsome Jacob

Handsome Jacob 

If you’re looking for a photogenic horse, a horse who practically poses for you when you take out your camera, then look no further than Jacob. Well, ok, Jacob and Edward — they’re kind of a matched set, and the way they play off one another’s energies is second to…

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Heroic Henry

Heroic Henry 

Two weeks ago, we reported that Henry had regressed in his training a bit, becoming unfocused and exhibiting herd-bound behavior. A new routine was established for him: stand tied in the big covered arena while Jax gets worked, followed by some moving and flagging…

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Otto is Adopted!

Otto is Adopted! 

Otto was born to the desert, raised alongside sun-warmed rocks and plump lizards in the wilds of Nevada. He was rounded up, tattooed, and, via some circumstances unknown to us, found his way to Washington.  A boy of only three, some of his adult teeth still sitting…

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A Bath for Moshi

A Bath for Moshi 

Being a horse at SAFE means many things: you get fed three times a day (if not more), you always have fresh clean water, you get daily vitamins and minerals, you make new friends on two legs and four, and you learn a whole lot of things. We do our best to prepare our…

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Tiva’s Journey, So Far

Tiva’s Journey, So Far 

I’d written an article some months ago documenting Tiva’s journey with the intention of having a video to accompany it, showcasing the immense amount of progress she has made since she first stepped off that trailer over a year ago, snorting and scared. But as it has…

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