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Ruckus is Adopted!

Ruckus is Adopted! 

Ruckus was one of five horses surrendered to SAFE in 2016 after their owner passed away unexpectedly. He and his friends came to SAFE in good health, but with very uncertain futures. Ruckus quickly became a volunteer favorite, and we delighted in the way this tiny…

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Training Update: Rope work with Esme

Training Update: Rope work with Esme 

Esme has had a busy summer, spending much of her time learning to wear a saddle (some days, it’s easier than others) and drilling the groundwork basics on the regular. One big hurdle for Esme has been getting comfortable with the rope touching her — her back, her…

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Gabby Meets the Halter

Gabby Meets the Halter 

Trisha has made such amazing progress with Gabby, that we got behind on sharing her last milestone! Here you see Gabby realizing a halter is no big deal.

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Tilt is Adopted!

Tilt is Adopted! 

Tilt was adopted in March 2021 along with another horse friend, Valentine, a 16 year old sweet chestnut mare, but due to unfortunate circumstances, both made their way back to SAFE. Tilt was only back at SAFE for a few short months before catching the eye of one of…

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Montana’s Mountains and Valleys

Montana’s Mountains and Valleys 

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same applies to the education (or re-education) of some horses. Montana’s arrival at SAFE coincided with the end of summer last year, where we were spending lots of time picking up fallen apples from our trees and starting to think…

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Alumni Update: Aiden

Alumni Update: Aiden 

Maeve and Copper (formerly named Aiden) in a July 4H gaming show. What a photo!! Next stop for these two is the Pierce County and State fairs!

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Training Update: Edward 

In addition to his work under saddle, we have been spending some time sending Edward over trot poles to aid with strength and conditioning. It is always a treat to watch the floaty way horses move over poles, and this handsome boy is certainly no exception! Check it…

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Cramer Making Strides

Cramer Making Strides 

Cramer has made some huge strides (but with legs his length, maybe it’s just a normal stride for him) the last several months here at SAFE. It wasn’t all that long ago that he was first learning to walk from paddock to round pen, a relatively short distance that once…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Training Update: Addie

Training Update: Addie 

As was standard with the Graham horses we started (or re-started) under saddle, Addie had some issue when asked to go forwards. As is the case, the things that reveal themselves on the ground also appear under saddle and vice versa. It was clear that Addie was…

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Artie 4 U!

Artie 4 U! 

Extra extra, read all about it — Artie Shaw is available for adoption as a riding horse! There was a time, not all that long ago, when we wrote riding out of Artie’s future. His first experiences with the saddle were so dramatic that we felt the time and effort it…

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Meet Irene!

Meet Irene! 

Introducing our first intake of 2023, Irene! Irene, along with another horse, was living under the care of an owner suffering from dementia. Unfortunately, due to her own condition, the owner was unable to provide for the horses as she once had. Both horses were…

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Training Update: Flagging Off Otto

Training Update: Flagging Off Otto 

Otto’s fourth birthday just passed, and it’s hard to believe that the little sickly boy with the infected tooth who arrived at the end of 2021 is now such a solid (and healthy!) riding horse. Casey A, who has been spending the most time riding and working Otto over…

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Poppy’s Playmate

Poppy’s Playmate 

If you squint, it’s hard to differentiate the two little black mares who came in together as part of the Graham 27 seizure. They’re both small of stature, both rather narrow, both almost fully black. In the shadows, it’s hard to even tell they’re there. When night…

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Zelly’s Progress

Zelly’s Progress 

Zelly is the very definition of ‘looks good for her age.’ At 20, she is no spring chicken, but her physical condition and her mental acuity show a horse who still has a lot left in the tank.   When first assessing Zelly on the ground, we met a horse who was…

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