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Hooves of Glass

Hooves of Glass 

Remember when Darla blew an abscess, way back in January? The shockwaves of that are still being felt all the way now in August. There was a sweet spot a few months back where she was sound, and we thought that we were in the clear. But it was not to be. Shortly after…

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Rodeo Fundraising Results

Rodeo Fundraising Results 

Written by our volunteer, Debbie Meyer. As you may have heard by now, this year’s Heart of the Horse fundraiser was a huge success, raising an all-time high of $320,000! Most of that money was raised at the Heart of the Horse Barn Party. However, contributing to the…

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Handsome Horse Modeling School

Handsome Horse Modeling School 

Horse, or hat model? These days when he’s not wearing a saddle, Artie Shaw entertains with displays of handsome stoicism to rival any fashion week editorial.   I jest, of course – a hat perched atop his head is not a common look for Artie. And while I’ll be the…

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Welcome, Pomme and Dolly!

Welcome, Pomme and Dolly! 

Sometimes, the rescuing begins before horses even arrive at SAFE. When the horses now known as Pomme and Dolly were first seized by animal control, they were in rough shape. Pomme, a 25-year old sorrel grade mare, had the concavity between rib cage and spine that is…

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New Horses, Sebastian and Bijou!

New Horses, Sebastian and Bijou! 

Sebastian and Bijou were found abandoned at the Tree Farm in Arlington. Snohomish County Animal Control posted publicly searching for their home, but after no one came forward, they were released to SAFE. Bijou is a 10 year old Quarter Horse mare who is very sweet and…

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George: One of the Guys

George: One of the Guys 

George is one goofball of a gelding. His curious nature got him his name, and he lives up to it every day. But this tendency to dive head first into the world can get him into a bit of trouble, especially by his horse-peers. George isn’t always the most receptive to…

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Dental Day for Montana

Dental Day for Montana 

It took a while to get here, but Montana had his first dental this week. Getting a sensitive horse like Montana OK with being haltered and caught is one thing, getting him to the point where he is OK with the rigamarole of a dental float is quite another. It means a…

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Echo is Adopted!

Echo is Adopted! 

After catching the eye of Brittany at the June Joel Connor clinic, she went home and told her family about this sweet pony. They gave SAFE a call and we talked about where Echo was in her training and the work needed to help her. We all agreed they were capable to…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Alumni Update: Glory

Alumni Update: Glory 

Glory is doing well. Melissa, Glory’s adopter, enjoys riding her in the wheat fields near where she lives.  Melissa’s son is also starting to ride Glory and has dreams of doing some roping on her one day. 

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Good Boy Jax

Good Boy Jax 

What a nice horse Jax has turned out to be! He’s made such a transformation since entering our horsemanship program about a month ago. It’s been extremely enjoyable working with this gelding, and teaching him a new and better way of being. When we started working with…

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Esme — Ready for Adoption!

Esme — Ready for Adoption! 

Esme, started under saddle last fall, is coming along very nicely as a riding horse! She is a cute little mover, and is soft on a loose rein, walk trot and canter. She recently had her very first rides in the outdoor arena, and did great, even amongst many would-be…

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Jacob’s Trial

Jacob’s Trial 

Part of our adoption process at SAFE involves doing our best to ensure the matches made between horse and human are the best fits possible. We try to make sure of this before the horse is out the door – adopters are encouraged to come and visit with their potential…

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Alumni Update: Doolin

Alumni Update: Doolin 

Shannon does lots of groundwork with Finn (formerly Doolin) to help him relax and be less nervous and he is doing really well! She has ponied him with her older Quarter horse and is teaching him how to ride comfortably in the trailer. Last September, she brought Finn…

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Moshi’s First Saddle

Moshi’s First Saddle 

Of the Graham horses who came to SAFE, the majority were assumed (or known) to have at least some experience under saddle. A few, however, were wild cards. Moshi was one who fit into the latter category. Upon first glance, her small stature makes you think she is…

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