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Mac is Adopted!

Mac is Adopted! 

Mac headed to his new forever home in mid June. This confident gelding followed our staff right up onto Jerre’s beautiful trailer. He was great on the ride home and was slowly integrated with his new four legged girlfriends. Which was a perfectly drama free…

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Tiva is Haltered!

Tiva is Haltered! 

Our Operations Director, Terry, was able to halter Tiva for the first time here at SAFE, just last week. What is not shown in this video is the preparation in getting to this moment — the hours that were spent with Tiva in the round pen getting her to hook on, roping…

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August Volunteer of the Month: Trela Herman

August Volunteer of the Month: Trela Herman 

We are extremely thankful Trela found SAFE. Her hard work, dedication, positivity and “up for any task” attitude is priceless and we couldn’t do it without volunteers like her. Learn a little more about Trela below. HOW AND WHEN DID YOU FIRST GET INVOLVED WITH HORSES?…

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Our Annual Auction, Saturday July 23rd!

Our Annual Auction, Saturday July 23rd! 

The property is abuzz with staff and volunteers preparing for our annual auction, Heart of the Horse Barn Party, this Saturday, July 23rd. We are excited to host the event on SAFE’s property after holding it virtually the past two years. Even though it’s a sold out…

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Sparky-ing Joy

Sparky-ing Joy 

The novelty of meeting new horses as they come through the gates of SAFE never gets old. The horse person in all of us lights up with every new arrival — each new equine could be the very first one we’ve ever met, considering the way we act. And not to say that the…

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Valentine on Fox 13!

Valentine on Fox 13! 

Our sweet Valentine was featured by the Limelight Pet Project this last Sunday on Fox 13! If you missed it, no worries, check out her full story by watching the video below. Thank you to our wonderful friends at The Limelight Pet Project who help shine the light on…

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Catching Eddie

Catching Eddie 

Edward has, as all horses do, an almost preternatural ability to read humans. When I think about a horse like Edward — really, when I give thought to horses in general — I am filled with amazement that they allow us to do even a quarter of the things that they do. So…

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A Walk With Cameron

A Walk With Cameron 

One of our long time volunteers, Monique, who walks Cameron once a week, wrote this about him and it melted our hearts. “Our sweet boy Cameron can see us a mile away, Is that a bucket?! Oh, time for my walk! He’s always eager against the gate, messy face nose dive in…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

A Dental for Tiva

A Dental for Tiva 

I’ll let you in on a little secret: we have a document that lists all our horses here at SAFE with all their different stats. Name, height, weight. When they last had their feet done, when they last were vaccinated. It’s a way to keep track of things, helps us…

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March Volunteer of the Month: Lise Anderheggen-Leif

March Volunteer of the Month: Lise Anderheggen-Leif 

Congratulations to our March Volunteer of the Month, Lise!! She started on the Wednesday PM team during the infamous 2020 and quickly became a dedicated, reliable team member who fell in love with SAFE. As a Co Lead, she has helped train many new volunteers and is…

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Darla — Ready for Adoption!

Darla — Ready for Adoption! 

Darla is ready for her forever person to take her home! This sweet mare has so much try and she is so fun to ride. Darla has come a long ways since she was surrendered to SAFE; from hardly halterable, to confidently rideable. While Darla can still be nervous at times…

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Field Report: Working with Bijou

Field Report: Working with Bijou 

Kirsten AL, one of our horsemanship volunteers, has been working with Bijou the past several months, and has had the following to say about their time spent together: “What a fun horse to work with! In both being a gem with a heart of gold and a challenge with her set…

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Alumni Update: Karma

Alumni Update: Karma 

Karma lives on 15 acres with her 17-year-old gelding buddy Ramsey.  Her adopter, Sarah, doesn’t ride her anymore, but she seems to enjoy her life hanging out with her buddy. Karma is brought into a stall for an hour each day to eat her alfalfa, then she and Ramsey go…

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Alumni Update: Leonardo

Alumni Update: Leonardo 

Leo is doing well on a nine-acre property with his companions, Alpine and Oak. Toni (Leo’s adopter) lives and works on the property. Toni is not currently riding Leo due to school and work commitments, but she does groundwork with him, and he gets a lot of attention…

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