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A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park 

Spring is just around the corner, and although some days, when the ground is frosty and the rain won’t stop, it certainly doesn’t feel that way, there are days (becoming less rare) when it feels almost something like June. Here at SAFE, we take full advantage of days…

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More Work with Tiva

More Work with Tiva 

In the video below, Tiva continues to learn to free her movement through changing eyes, and get used to people being on all sides of her, including in her blind spots. We work on helping her relax as she moves around the round pen, letting her know that she doesn’t…

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Rest in Peace, Sweet Nico

Rest in Peace, Sweet Nico 

On the day we picked up Tanis, we really only intended to rescue one horse. But she had a friend by her side that needed even more help than she did. Often when you make the decision to intake a horse, you can’t predict what type of assistance you’ll be providing, or…

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Bob at the Horsemanship Gathering with Freya

Bob at the Horsemanship Gathering with Freya 

One of our volunteers, Bob M. came to watch and participate in a horsemanship weekend at SAFE. Here’s what he had to say: “A few weekends ago, I attended the first ‘in house’ horsemanship gathering that Terry organized and hosted. At the end, I got my first experience…

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Esme Makes New Friends

Esme Makes New Friends 

Esme came to SAFE alongside Edward and Jacob, and while they all got along quite well, being the only girl in a herd of boys does have its downsides. She could certainly hold her own, but the boys picked on her a bit, as horses figuring out herd dynamics are want to…

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Kicking it With Cramer

Kicking it With Cramer 

One of our volunteers, Lise A. has spent some time recently with Cramer, and had the following to say about her experience: I have had the good fortune of getting to start grooming Cramer in early February (with Terry’s guidance of course). He and I have gotten to…

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Training Update: Groundwork with Minnie

Training Update: Groundwork with Minnie 

Check out this video of Minnie doing some groundwork. She works on leading on a float through three gaits (walk, trot, lope), transitioning through those gaits smoothly, and staying straight on her united circle. She also works on being touched by the rope and the…

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Jacob’s Smile

Jacob’s Smile 

For some, going to the dentist is no big deal. Jacob, whose human persona would, for the most part, be something akin to a laid back surfer dude, is one such fellow. He recently had his first dental visit since arriving at SAFE, and took it all in stride. He was a…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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2022 Q4 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: Oct 21, 2022 Aspen (Owner Surrender) Beva (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: Nov 1, 2022 Declan (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: Dec 20, 2022 Graham 27 (Animal Control) Placed Horses Dolly Valentine George Sebastian Camille Pepper Jacob Euthanized…

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Alumni Update: Jessel

Alumni Update: Jessel 

The hoar frost was so beautiful this winter, Alexandra had to get some photos of her and gorgeous Jessel. We’re so happy she shared them with us! 

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Alumni Update: Duchess

Alumni Update: Duchess 

Esperanza formally Duchess is doing well, in great health, and thriving. She and her adopter, Marianna, are in weekly classical dressage lessons and have just started half-pass work. Marianna said she just can’t say enough good things about this lovely mare! [gallery…

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January Volunteer of the Month: Danielle Jaffy

January Volunteer of the Month: Danielle Jaffy 

Congratulations to our January Volunteer of the Month, Danielle!! Not only does Danielle show up every Tuesday night for chores, (often early and sometimes with her sweet daughter, who helped name Nutmeg!) she also plays a crucial role in helping get our horses…

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Alumni Update: Pogo

Alumni Update: Pogo 

Pogo lives happily on five acres with four other horses including a white mare named Elle. Pogo loves Elle and she is equally smitten with him. When Lilly adopted him in 2021 he was overweight and would not let anyone groom him, along with a few other bad habits.…

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Herd your Horses

Herd your Horses 

The nature of SAFE is that it is a transient place, meant to be a pause in the life of the horses who come here, a comma in their lives, not a full stop. What this means is that things change on a regular basis – we play musical paddocks quite often (though all of the…

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