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Barb Needs a Knowledgeable Partner

Barb Needs a Knowledgeable Partner 

Barb has a very strong sense of justice, so if you fail to release her immediately when she does the right thing, or add pressure that’s not meaningful, she’ll resent your poor timing. When you time up correctly and have good consistency of your feel and movements,…

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Nyx is waiting to meet you!

Nyx is waiting to meet you! 

Nyx is a 15-year-old big mustang boy standing at 16.0hh and he’s ready for an intermediate rider! He came to SAFE as a rescue in Washington, but he’s originally from Beatys Butte, Oregon HMA–a herd that is known to have traces of everything from Spanish mustang to…

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Our Baby Rae

Our Baby Rae 

Rae is doing very well this winter. She has been a good citizen with a few new members of her turnout herd. Rae keeps “her nose clean” in the herd and is never in the middle when things get energized. She is polite when meeting new horses and over all very easy to…

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George: Happy to get back to Work!

George: Happy to get back to Work! 

George is officially ready to get back to work. He has been enjoying returning to daily turnout and is beginning saddle time this week! We are excited to once again reopen applications as he progresses to full riding workouts over the next several weeks. This guy…

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Jill Is Ready For Her Forever Home!

Jill Is Ready For Her Forever Home! 

Jill has blossomed into a fun and reliable riding horse! This sweet mare is so fun to ride because she loves working with her rider and is forward and willing, but also enjoys working at a relaxed walk and is getting a pretty dynamite stop. While she’s still young,…

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Alumni Update: Moon

Alumni Update: Moon 

Moon is a companion horse and is best buddies with another draft horse, Goliath. She loves attention, especially being groomed. Recently, she has found a farrier who really understands her hooves and loves her hoof-pedis every 8 weeks, which has improved her…

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Alumni Update: Bucky B Lucky

Alumni Update: Bucky B Lucky 

Lorenzo, formally known as Bucky B Lucky and his adopter Ruth, are still actively competing often. Here are some recent photos of playing, training and competing! Such a handsome fella!

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Goodbye, dear Cameron

Goodbye, dear Cameron 

We lost our dear Cameron today. We noticed he was not walking steadily, and was unweighting his left hind and dropping his right hind pastern. He had bounding pulses in both hind legs and his heart rate was at 70 bpm. When Dr Renner arrived, it had increased to 80s…

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Bijou, Companion Horse

Bijou, Companion Horse 

After her intake quarantine was over, we began to get to know Bijou. With her sweet eyes and gentle personality, we were excited to learn a bit more about her. It is not uncommon that horses come to us without a history to speak of, and we must rely solely on…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Declan

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Declan 

Kaya M has been working with Declan, and had the opportunity to take him in the groundwork section of the clinic this past week. Though he is a new arrival here at SAFE, he is gentle enough that he is able to get right to work in our program! Here’s what Kaya had to…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Cramer

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Cramer 

Has there ever been a sweeter horse? Ok, I’m biased. But I think, objectively, that if there were a spectrum of sweetness, he’d definitely fall in the top percentile of the bell curve.   There is just something about him, a gentleness, radiating outward. He has a…

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Chip and Dale Find a Permanent Home

Chip and Dale Find a Permanent Home 

Chip and Dale found a permanent home helping teens and adults with early recovery from screen addictions! The two boys will be permanent fosters at reSTART, who will cover the expenses for their care, in return the two just get to be horses and enjoy the easy life.…

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Alumni Post: Bean

Alumni Post: Bean 

Bean and her two four legged friends are lucky enough to have 2 acres to graze, run around, and kick up their heels.  Bean is the queen of the herd, and her friend, Midas, has two bites on his butt, reminding him of his place. Michelle (Bean’s adopter) said the…

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