SEX: Gelding | BREED: QH type | REGISTERED NAME: | ||
COLOR: Sorrel | MARKINGS: blaze, LH sock | |||
YOB: 1995 | AGE: 25 | HEIGHT: | WEIGHT: | |
LOCATION: Redmond | ADOPTION FEE: $300 | Online Adoption Application |
Buddy is a sweet older gelding whose owner was not able to keep him when she went into assisted living. Buddy has Cushing’s disease, and is responding well to medication.

In Memory: Buddy
I’m sorry to have to tell everyone that we lost Buddy last week. He was discovered down at night check by our volunteer with his hind legs caught under the fence. He got himself up while she went to call for help, but he was in a lot of distress. He was covered in sweat, and very unsteady on his feet. When he threw himself back down and started rolling from side to side, it was clear that we were dealing with a serious colic. His elevated heart rate showed he was in quite a lot of pain. The vet was called.
Help was able to get out here pretty quickly, so we were able to get both Banner and Buddy to the indoor arena. Dr Lewis arrived shortly thereafter, and gave Buddy an injection for sedation and pain relief, which quieted him down for a short while. She did an ultrasound which showed that his small intestine was looped and swollen. We made the hard decision to let him go at that point. His pain and suffering were so intense that we were not willing to let it continue. We said our goodbyes and Buddy passed peacefully.
His lifelong friend Banner was there to comfort him, and to say goodbye. He was allowed to smell Buddy after he had passed, and although his face showed a deep sadness, he seemed to accept what had happened and find peace with it. We were concerned that we’d need to sedate him, but he was calm and quiet when moved him back to his paddock. It’s uncanny how peacefully horses often react to losing a friend if they’re given the chance to touch and smell them after they are gone.
Buddy was a sweet and darling old man, and we will miss him terribly. Once again, we take comfort in the fact that he enjoyed six months of paradise here at SAFE. Every day, he had good food to eat and a good friend by his side. And every day, there were people who smiled at him, petted him, and valued him. He knew his place in the world was a very good place, and he left us with dignity and grace.
We are beyond grateful to our Night Check volunteer for finding him and immediately getting help. This is why we do night check. And once again, our vets at Rainland Farm Equine were there when we needed them, and arrived quickly to help our horse. We are so fortunate to have such a strong and caring community working alongside us. I know that Buddy was beloved to many of us. I’m so sorry he’s gone, but he won’t be forgotten.

Buddy’s New Diagnosis
When Buddy first came to us, he was turned out in a gravel paddock and was experiencing some foot soreness. We try to let our horses go barefoot whenever possible, but we sometimes have residents who don’t do well on gravel due to thin, flat soles. Those horses get moved to dirt paddocks and then typically either get ridden in boots or they get metal shoes depending on the severity of their problem. We treated Buddy as a horse who was sensitive on gravel until he told us that his pain was more significant than that.
One morning Buddy started showing signs of laminitis. He was pointing his right toe forward to take the weight off of that foot and his heart rate and digital pulses were elevated, indicating pain. We immediately called our veterinarian and Dr. Fleck came out to assess him that afternoon. Radiographs of both front feet were taken, and they revealed rotation in both coffin bones. The rotation was very mild in the left front foot, but it was worse in the right front. Dr. Fleck said that the radiographs showed that he had foundered in the past—this did not look like a recent change to his coffin bones. There were no signs of active laminitis, which was a relief. It was recommended that we place him on bute and keep him in soft ride boots. Dr. Fleck did some corrective trimming to help realign the coffin bone. He also used impression material to make a supportive pad for Buddy to wear. Dr. Fleck came back the next week to do a follow-up radiograph and it showed improvement in the position of that coffin bone so we knew we were on the right track. At that point he said that we could either continue to keep him in the soft ride boots with the impression material for support or put him in therapeutic shoes.
Buddy lived in soft ride boots with the frog support pad until the next time our barefoot trimmers were out to the barn. The ultimate goal is to get Buddy’s hoof wall to grow out and realign itself with the coffin bone, and for him to grow more sole under the tip of the coffin bone. Ideally, he will be able to go barefoot again in several months. In order to help facilitate this, we have opted to put him in glue-on shoes during the time it takes for the hoof to get back to a more normal state.
We have been able to keep Buddy comfortable on just one gram of bute per day, and he seems to really enjoy walking in his new shoes. We will never know for certain what events led to the coffin bone rotation in the first place, but equine Cushing’s disease is a common underlying cause so it seems likely that the two things are related for him. With Buddy’s ACTH levels under control with medication and careful hoof management, we can hopefully get Buddy’s feet back to a healthy place and keep them there.
Buddy is a total sweetheart, and a staff and volunteer favorite. He’s a cooperative patient and acts like he knows we’re here to help him. With time and patience, we hope to get him back to a pain-free life again.

The Power of Positive Energy on Horses, by Marty Abdo
My name is Marty Abdo and I am a Friday morning shift volunteer. One of my several passions in life is a therapy method called Reiki. I have a business offering Reiki long distance to people and animals in need of relaxation, pain relief and emotional balance.
I was introduced to Reiki over 20 years ago, while I was completing massage school. Years later I received my Reiki Masters certificate from Reiki Master, Melinda Kaur. In early December 2019, I was feeling a strong calling to be around and give to horses in need. I did some research online and quickly determined that SAFE was the best at what they did — providing love and rehabilitation and adoption for abandoned and abused horses. I knew from the first day that this was the place for me to be, in order to heal from life’s daily challenges and offer relief to those we all unconditionally love, the SAFE horses.
Some of you may already know, but many ask, “What is Reiki? How does it work? What are the benefits?” The following quote and fun facts are from an article in www.medicalnewstoday.com by Tim Newman:
“Reiki is a form of therapy commonly referred to as energy healing. It emerged in Japan in the late 1800s and it said to involve the transfer of the universal energy from the practitioners’ palms to their patient. Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Reiki is not an alternative treatment for medical issues but an adjunctive therapy that can help support healing and increase a feeling of well-being.”
Fast facts on Reiki
- Reiki is a form of energy therapy
- Despite skepticism in some circles, it is growing in popularity
- It involves the transfer of energy by laying on hands
- Reiki’s advocates say it can treat many conditions and emotional states
- Small studies show that Reiki can slightly reduce pain, but no studies have shown that it is effective in treating any diseases
- Some hospitals in America and Europe offer Reiki, but insurance rarely covers it
During the spring of this year, I approached Terry as she was working on taming Artie. I asked her if she was familiar with Reiki and if I could offer this alternative therapy to the horses. Terry granted me permission. Since then, each Wednesday I check in with Terry for updates on the horses. After my Friday chores, I spend a half hour to an hour giving to those in need. Since spring, I have worked on several horses at SAFE: Artie, Buddy, Banner, Cyrus, Wind, Slim, Sunny, Tilt, Jill and Millie. When I offer Reiki to the horses, I direct the energy to the areas of concern in hopes of bringing relief and comfort. From my own personal observations, I quickly notice relaxation in the form of licking, closing of eyes and hanging of the head. I have had Banner offer me his injury and stand still for ten minutes. I text my observations to Terry after each weekly session. As a reminder, Reiki is seen as a nice adjunct to all the medical attention that is provided by SAFE. Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment. I may not be able to prove that Reiki heals the beautiful creatures that we all care for but I can say with certainty that the unconditional love I feel and receive from them, when I am in their presence, has definitely added to the healing of my soul.
Thank you, SAFE, for allowing me this amazing opportunity to give back each week via Reiki, both hands on and long distance. Warmly, Marty Abdo
Buddy: Sweet Senior Looking for Loving Family!
Buddy is a 25-year-old Quarter Horse Arabian cross that came to SAFE earlier in 2020. He tested positive for Cushing’s with slightly elevated ATCH levels and is doing very well now on just half a tab of Pracend daily (the cost is around $15 a month).
He is a joy to be around–very sweet and loves attention. A great horse like this deserves to live with a family of his own. Are you willing to give this gentle gelding a loving family in his golden years? Fill out an adoption application now at www.safehorses.org/adopt
Buddy’s Photo Update

Buddy, the Sweetest New Kid on the Block
Horsemanship volunteer Kaya had this to share about lovable Buddy:
Buddy is the sweetest old guy! I’ve been spending some time with this gentleman for the last couple of months and have enjoyed every minute. Buddy greets everyone that walks up to his paddock very politely, sometimes with a little nicker, and always with ears forward, wanting some scratches.
He clearly loves to be doted on, but doesn’t really have any pushiness or bad manners (such a rare combination!). Sue, who comes out to groom frequently, joins me in my adoration of Buddy. She says that Buddy should be used to teach others how to groom because he’s so good about picking up his feet! I really can’t say enough about this sweet boy. He would be so happy to have his own person to love on him and he so deserves it.

Buddy and Banner Dental
Buddy and Banner had their dentals and vaccines yesterday. Both were good boys. We are guessing ages are 25 for Buddy and 22 for Banner. The dentals should give both a ton of relief when eating.
They got an intense deep cleaning spa treatments afterwards. They both are new men!! And they’ll be off intake quarantine on Friday!!

Buddy Intake Photos
Thank you to Kristina Oden for these photos of our new friend Buddy.