
2022 grey Percheron mare
Type of Rescue: Animal Control Surrender
Intake Date: 9/5/22
Adoption Date: 11/16/22
Length of Time with SAFE: 2 months

ADOPTED!! by Carla

We were so happy when Carla came to meet Camille, she decided almost immediately that Sebastian could come home too. The two friends lived happily together ever after with a few friendly donkeys and a couple of our alumni, Renee and Angel. Camille enjoyed nearly a year of blissful living with her adoptive family, until finally her arthritis became too much for her to bear. She was released from her pain on Sept 21, 2023. She will be remembered for her strength, her gentleness, and above all, her heart.

Run Free, Big Girl

Run Free, Big Girl

Heaven welcomed a new angel yesterday morning. It is with a heavy heart we share the loss of SAFE alumni Camille. She was living happily with her adoptive family of humans and horses until the end. Her condition and comfort had declined to the point that it was time…

Camille and Sebastian Adopted Together!

Camille and Sebastian Adopted Together!

It’s not often we get the privilege of adopting two of our horses together to the same home, so when we do, it sends “Ooohs” and “Ahhhs” throughout our community. Though Camille and Sebastian were only at SAFE a short while and their friendship was still so new, the…

Camille and Sebastian, peas in a pod

Camille and Sebastian, peas in a pod

Camille and Sebastian could be styled as storybook characters in the furry flesh. Two older horses, brought together by virtue of poor circumstance, united under shared healing. She, an ex-carriage horse, standing at a cool 18 hands, a true gentle giant. He, whose…

Camille, walking into our hearts

Camille, walking into our hearts

For some time now, our herd at SAFE has been comprised of horses on the smaller side. Horses, and technically ponies. But it’s undeniable that there’s something about a big horse that really appeals to people. So when Camille showed up at SAFE, we were undeniably…

Meet Camille!

Meet Camille!

Welcome Camille to the SAFE family! Camille is a 20 yr old 18 hand, 1600 lb Percheron mare. Like many of our new intakes she comes to us with a very sad history. Her previous owner was literally working her to death as a carriage horse when Pierce County Animal…