registered name: Chips of Rik O Shay (HAHR*1A315146 )
description: 1994 Arab/Appy cross
type of rescue: owner surrender
intake date: 2/10/2011
adoption date: 9/1/2011
length of time with SAFE: 6 months
Chip’s Story: Chip wa one of 39 horses seized by Pierce County Animal Control after they were discovered living in filthy, deplorable conditions, trapped in stalls and paddocks piled high with their own waste, in barns with no light and no ventilation. The horses were in large part unhandled and they suffered from a lack of vet and farrier care. Chip, an Arab/Appy cross, was a breeding stallion, an extremely striking looking and handsome horse. Upon becoming a SAFE horse, he was immediately gelded. Sadly we determined that conformational flaws in Chip’s hind end would make it difficult for him to comfortably carry a rider, so we offered him for adoption as a companion horse. But what a wonderful companion he was! Chip loved people and was very kind, curious, and friendly. He got on great with other horses, but he was always particularly fond of mares, and they of him! But he was a complete gentleman, well behaved, not at all studdish. Chip suffered isolation and neglect in his previous life, and he definitely deserved a happy ending where he would be safe, well fed, and surrounded by friends. He found that with his adoptive family, and he lived the good life on a beautiful farm in Kitsap County, until his passing in 2019 from cancer. Chip’s family never asked more from him than he could offer and they loved him even with his limitations. He was a gentle soul with a kind heart, who is remembered and missed to this day.
A new foster adventure for Chip
Chip has spent the past four months in foster care with three other geldings where he has learned a great deal about getting along with other horses, now that he is no longer a breeding stallion. It hasn’t always been easy for him, but he worked hard and eventually…
Chip the Happy Gelding
Chip has made such great progress in the past few months and I can’t help but be proud of all his accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. When he first came to my farm, he was very timid. He seemed to have some difficulty getting along with the bigger…
From the Horse’s Mouth: Chip Update
If you follow Honeycutt’s blog, you know that he shares a lot of secrets about horses and their interactions. Today’s update on Chip comes straight from the horse’s mouth… Today I am thinking a lot about friends. I have two good friends who are Jay and Chance. Jay…
An important part of the process
Rehabbing a horse is a labor of love, and watching the amazing transformation that each of our horses goes through is the reward for a lot of hard work! There is so much that has to be accomplished before a rescued horse is ready for adoption, and so many people who…
What’s new with Chip?
In order to make room at SAFE Harbor Stables for the return of Bucky B Lucky, we decided to give Chip a bit of a vacation and send him to the farm of SAFE’s Executive Director Bonnie Hammond, home of the infamous Honeycutt and Bonnie’s two OTTB gelding’s Jay and…
New horses at SAFE
SAFE has agreed to take four of the horses that were seized by Pierce County Animal Control in late September 2012 from a property in Graham, WA. Three of the horses were transported to SAFE and NWESC today; the fourth is currently still at Frontier Park where PCAC…
Chip Intake Photos