
2021 pinto Pony filly
Type of Rescue: Born at SAFE from a Animal Control seized pregnant mare
Birth Date: 4/21/2021
Adoption Date: 3/18/2022
Length of Time with SAFE: 11 months

ADOPTED!! by Marti and John

Coco’s dam Sundae arrived at SAFE in January 2021. Sundae, along with six other ponies, was seized by Animal Control after another horse died due to neglect. Two of the horses were stallions, so we were concerned that there may have been some unplanned breeding prior to rescue. It turns out we were right to be worried. After a few months in our care, we noticed that Sundae was getting quite round, and our vets soon confirmed that she was pregnant! Sundae was 25 years old, so we were concerned about a pregnancy with her advanced age. But on April 21st at 10:37PM, Coco was born, quickly and easily, and soon after our worries melted away.

Coco was a delight from the moment she arrived into the world. She spent the first six months of her life at the side of her dam, and then, once she was weaned, she made the acquaintance of another little horse at SAFE named Minnie.  The two fillies were turned out with Teddy, a lovely mare with a reputation at SAFE as the very best Auntie, having helped raise Nova, Rae, and Pippi. The three ladies lived together in peace and harmony, and to our complete delight, they ended up being ad0pted together to a family with a gorgeous farm on the Kitsap peninsula. 

Our Newest Addition: Coco!

Our Newest Addition: Coco!

We have a new horse to introduce. She joined our herd Wednesday, April 21st at 10:37pm. Welcome to the world, Coco! Sundae delivered her filly quickly and easily without a hitch. Less than two minutes passed between the time her water broke and her foal was born. The…

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