breed: 1995 bay Arab gelding
registered name: MA Kandorr
type of rescue: Pierce County Animal Control seizure
intake date: 12/20/2012
date of passing: 9/5/2013
length of time with SAFE: 8 months
Rest in peace, Logan
Logan, run free
As we told you back in June, after months of rehabilitation and care, Logan did not seem to be fully recovering from the neglect he suffered at the hands of his previous owner. We made the decision to move him out to a foster home where he could enjoy the summer in a large, lovely pasture and watch him carefully for any signs of further decline. It would be a blessing if he stayed comfortable and happy, but if he began to show any signs of discomfort, pain, or a deteriorating quality of life, we were prepared to let him go quickly and peacefully.
It was a good and peaceful summer for Logan, but a few days ago, we got a call from his foster mom saying that he had injured himself and was three-legged lame. Brittney went out and found that he had developed a painful-looking lump just about the fetlock on his left hind leg. She gave him something for the pain, and treated and wrapped the leg to support it, and gave him some pain reliever, and by the next morning, he was walking slightly better on it again. But that improvement was short lived as he became significantly off on his right front leg. It was clear that he was in pain and having trouble moving. Logan has been notably unstable in his hind end since we took him in last December, so we were very concerned that with this new injury, he could fall and hurt himself further. The decision was made that the time to let him go was now, before things got any worse for him.
Surrounded by those who loved and cared for him, Logan was given his fill of carrots, apples, and horse treats; he was petted and scratched in all the best places; and he was told over and over what a good boy he was and how much he was loved. It was a very grey dreary day, but when the vet asked, “Are you ready?” the sun slipped out from behind the clouds to shine on Logan’s face, one last time. His passing was peaceful and quiet.
We are so incredibly grateful to Logan’s foster mom, Jackie, who took him in at the start of the summer knowing full well that this sad day was coming. She has taken such loving care of this horse, and made the last chapter of his life into one of peace, safety, and serenity. It takes a very special person to offer their heart and home to a horse that doesn’t have much time left, but Jackie did so gladly. For that, we thank her, and hope that if she ever catches a glimpse of Logan’s spirit running through the trees, it will bring her a smile, knowing that she made a huge difference for a horse in need.
Logan Update
Logan has left SAFE Harbor Stables and is now residing at one of our very best foster homes where he has a large grassy pasture to enjoy and a wonderful caregiver who takes excellent care of him. A few weeks ago we were very concerned that Logan’s condition was deteriorating, but with the arrival of warmer weather, he seems to have perked up quite a bit and has let us know that he’s still enjoying life, at least for the present. We’re going to keep a very close eye on him to make sure that he continues to be happy and comfortable. We’re also watching him carefully in case there is a recurrence of the tumor that was removed from his rectum last winter.
Logan is receiving hospice care from SAFE, and it is our hope that he can enjoy one last wonderful summer before we let him go. The neglect that Logan suffered at the hands of his previous owner has had a profound effect on his body and his spirit, and while he has regained some degree of health, we are fairly certain that he will never completely recover from the abuse he has endured. So for now, while the good days continue to outnumber the bad, we will shower him with love and give him the best care possible. If he can remain comfortable and happy until the end of summer, that will be a wonderful thing. If he shows us signs that he is ready to go sooner, we are prepared for that possibility as well. Either way, we hope to say goodbye to Logan well before the point where he is at risk of further suffering or discomfort. It’s the least we can do for this noble gentleman.
A Home for Logan?
We’ve been caring for Logan for several months now, and we’ve come to the sad conclusion that this sweet horse has suffered some lingering and likely permanent ill effects from the abuse and neglect he faced in his previous life. Before being seized by Pierce County Animal Control, Logan and his friends were confined for long periods of time in filthy stalls piled high with manure. As a result, Logan is very weak in the hind end, and we are afraid that he might not ever be able to be ridden safely. We don’t know if he was ever started under saddle, and it doesn’t seem to make sense to start him or restart him at this age and in this condition. We are also concerned that the rectal tumor that we had removed after he was rescued may be starting to regrow.
Having given it a great deal of thought, we’d like to see Logan have the chance to spend some time living in a pasture, grazing and enjoying himself. He was deprived of that sort of life by his prior owner, and it’s very sad. He’s a sweet, handsome fellow who gets along well with other horses, especially with his buddy, Sinatra. He has good days where he seems happy and energetic to a point, but sometimes we see him standing by himself with a far-off look in his eyes. And we worry about him, and want him to be able to enjoy life, even just a little, before it’s too late for him.
There must be someone out there with horse property who could give Logan a good home and a chance to enjoy the things that all horses deserve: green grass, sunshine, hay and grain to eat? Someone who can love him and groom him and feed him carrots? Someone who understands that all horses have something to give, even if they can’t carry you on their back? Logan’s basic needs are being well taken care of at SAFE, but there’s one thing we can’t give him without your help, and that is a home of his own. A person to belong to. Owning a sweet, older horse like Logan has so many rewards, and he won’t ask for much in return. He deserves to be important to someone. He deserves to be loved. He deserves a home of his own. Can you offer him that home? Can you think of anyone who could?
Logan is not the only horse at SAFE that deserves a home where he or she can feel safe, happy, and loved. We have many horses that are looking for “companion” homes, including:
- Marta — 21 year old registered Arabian mare
- Shay — also a 21 year old registered Arabian mare
- Summer — a gorgeous 24 year old registered Saddlebred mare
- Honeycutt — a 16 year old gelding who paints and writes poetry
- Khianna — a lovely 14 year old tri-colored Arab cross mare who can’t be ridden but still deserves a good home
Logan is off to Pilchuck
Logan departed early this morning for Pilchuck Vet Hospital, where he will undergo a procedure to have a large polyp removed from his rectum. This poor horse cannot even lower his tail, and he’s clearly in discomfort and pain. We are praying this morning that the mass can be safely removed and that there will be a Christmas miracle for Logan. We’ll keep you updated as we know more. If you would like to help with Logan’s vet care, a donation of any size can be made to the SAFE Vet Care fund at https://paygate.safehorses.org/DonateVetCare.html
Skye & Logan Updates
Brittney has been putting in a lot of time working with Skye and Logan, the new intakes who are at SAFE Harbor Stables. (Chip is at NWESC awaiting his gelding surgery and Cameo is still at Frontier Park). Here’s what she’s has to say about how each of them are doing:
Skye Update:
She is improving and is very smart, but should only be handled by very experienced handlers at this point. She easily spooks and swings her barrel towards you. For instance, Velcro on my coat set her off, but I then purposefully did it over and over again until she settled. The sign on her door was flapping in the wind while we were walking and she took a step towards me, but was EASY to get out of my GIANT 4′ bubble. However I am paying 100% attention to her and she must stay off of me or I turn into scary woman (it doesn’t take much to scare her, just widening my arms and flicking the rope a bit does the trick). She’s curious enough to want to interact and does enjoy either scratches or massages when I invite her into my space.
I handled her twice yesterday and 3 times today. At the end, she thought about not going in her stall. I thought I was going to be a hostage in arena with her until hay fell from the sky for dinner, but we had a stand-off and she gave in pretty quickly. I LOVE the rope halter for the ability to put pressure on the poll.
Logan Update:
Logan takes a little bit of effort to be haltered, which is interesting, because Skye is now easier to halter than Logan. So far, Logan is mainly good once the halter goes on him, but as you would expect he’s a little nervous. He hasn’t done anything, but he is nervous and until we know more about him, we need to be very careful about who handles him.
He is a very sweet horse and enjoys people, but is a little bit herd bound to Skye. At this point in time, though, I think he’d be that way no matter who was put next to him.
New horses at SAFE
SAFE has agreed to take four of the horses that were seized by Pierce County Animal Control in late September 2012 from a property in Graham, WA. Three of the horses were transported to SAFE and NWESC today; the fourth is currently still at Frontier Park where PCAC has been housing the horses from this seizure.
According to the Pierce County prosecutor’s office, the horses were discovered when a DEA agent came onto the property to serve a search warrant. The agent contacted Pierce County Animal Control who found 39 horses, including ten stallions, living in deplorable conditions in three run down barns and outdoor paddocks. The horses were living in stalls with “excessive accumulations of feces and urine” and shelters containing piles of manure one to two feet high. Some of the horses were underweight, and many of them were suffering from severe and painful medical conditions brought on by their neglect. The majority of the horses appear to have had very little handling, and were difficult to even put halters on. They were also suffering from a lack of hoof care, dental care, and other necessary vet care.
The horses were taken to Frontier Park in Graham, where they were cared for and given medical treatment. The defendant petitioned for the return of his horses, and on November 9, a District Court judge allowed the return of 11 horses, based on evidence that he had sufficiently cleaned and repaired enough of the property to accommodate them. The remaining horses became the property of Pierce County on December 10. Eight horses were humanely euthanized by PCAC, five due to medical conditions and three due to dangerous behavior.
After careful consideration, multiple visits to Frontier Park, and consultation with the Animal Control officers and the veterinarian on the case, SAFE elected to take four of the remaining horses.
Chip is an 18 year old Arab/Appy stallion. He is a strikingly beautiful horse with unusual coloring — he’s registered as a chestnut, but he’s greyed out in a very attractive fashion. Chip was delivered to NWESC this afternoon where he will be gelded. He’s a fairly personable horse who responds to pressure, picks up his feet when asked, etc. He’s also a pretty lovely mover! We have high hopes for this boy. Click here to see more photos of Chip.
Logan is a 17 year old Arab gelding, who has a large rectal polyp that has caused him a great deal of discomfort and pain for quite some time. Logan is scheduled to undergo surgery at Pilchuck Vet Hospital on Thursday to have this polyp removed. It is the hope of everyone involved that the growth can be successfully removed because Logan is a really sweet horse who deserves to be comfortable. He’s gentle and really appears to want to trust and connect with someone, but right now he’s still pretty fearful.
Skye is a 7 year old half Arab, half draft mare who is built like a tank. She’s already at SAFE Harbor, and she’s having a little trouble overcoming her fear and confusion at being in a new place and adjusting to having a stall with access to a paddock. Fortunately she is being cared for by kind and patient people who are letting her take the “baby steps” she needs. With lots and lots of consistent handling, we think she will come around.
Cameo is a 4 year old Arab mare. Like the others, she is shy and nervous, but she appears to want to trust. She’s had a corneal scratch which required daily eye ointment so her opinion of humans may be a little strained at the moment, but she’s another horse that we think will come around with time.
Pierce County is attempting to find adoptive homes for the remaining horses in their care. Unfortunately SAFE is now completely full and unable to take any more. Here is a link to the horses on the Pierce County website.