breed: 2006 Arab/Pinto/QH cross mare
type of rescue: owner surrender
intake date: 10/25/2011
adoption date: 4/1/2013
length of time with SAFE: 1 year, 5 months
ADOPTED!! by Lucinda C of Duvall WA
Shiloh is the daughter of Miah, who was rescued from a neglect situation while pregnant. She lived with her previous owner her entire life and has never been neglected or mistreated. Shiloh is a very friendly and curious filly who is definitely an “in-your-pocket” pony! She has a very sturdy build, with excellent feet and teeth. She has an outgoing personality and is very engaged with people, even new ones. Shiloh belonged to a woman who was diagnosed with cancer, facing radiation and chemotherapy. Because of this, her ability to care for her horses became increasingly limited, and rather than let any harm befall any of her animals, she asked for SAFE’s assistance in finding new homes for three of her horses. Shiloh became a SAFE horse in October 2011. She was sent into training to be started under saddle and graduated with honors in January 2012. Shiloh stayed in training with Brittney Stewart of B&D Training and made a lot of progress both on the ground and under saddle. She’s been schooled over fences and shows a lot of ability and enjoyment for jumping. She competed successfully at the schooling show level in hunters, dressage and mounted trails. She was described as “a light, responsive, earnest, brave and honest horse” and demonstrated an ability to accept a new rider with few qualms. It was only a matter of time before Shiloh’s perfect person came along and she was adopted.
The Mares from SAFE hit the trails!
Shiloh training update
Brittney Stewart of B&D Sport Horses and Training has been working with Shiloh since May, and her progress has been nothing short of remarkable. Here’s an update from Brittney:
Yes, the rumors are true, I am in love with Shiloh! I enjoy working with this brave little mare that on the rare occasion will display a sassy attitude that quickly dissipates with a leg on for forward and a growl to let her know being sassy under saddle isn’t acceptable behavior. I enjoy working with her because it is an honest 2‑way conversation and for the majority of the rides, she is willing to work and wants to please. In addition, she is incredibly brave and not spooky, but very curious about exploring the world with her human aboard.
I’ve lost track of the numerous trail rides we’ve gone on, plus she’s crossed numerous bridges, seen a lot of new things, and was great in a group of 3 other horses and is fine being the lead horse through the “scary” parts of a trail, or in the middle or bringing up the rear. There is one memorable incident where 3 experienced horses that have gone on numerous trail rides each individually decided to spook at the bridge with water running underneath it. After the 3 geldings failed, I asked that no one give up and dismount until Shiloh had the chance to lead the way. Shiloh went up to the bridge, snorted, put her head down to sniff for about a minute and then turned her head to look at the 3 scared geldings, let out a sigh, then confidently marched across the bridge. Once across to the other side, she looked at the 3 geldings as if to say, “Ok, it’s safe come on over,” and she then proceeded to march forward on the trail to lead the way for the remaining 1.5 hours left of the trail ride.
At the beginning of September, Shiloh left Bear Creek Farm to stay at home with our 2 retired geldings, Odin and Deeds for the entire month of September. Shiloh was fine being at the bottom of the herd and enjoyed 24-hour pasture turnout. I hacked her along our neighborhood road, about 1/3 of a mile, to ride in my neighbor’s outdoor arena and she wasn’t worried about the traffic and was her usual sensible self. I then gave her a week off in September to chill and just be a horse, since she worked hard and learned a lot during the summer. The weather was warm, she was able to gallop around the 3 acre pasture to blow-off steam, and I had gotten to know her, so I didn’t even lunge her after her week off and just started riding her again. She was great and willing to go back to work and I schooled her for some jumping sessions in a group ride.
Unfortunately, my geldings had been warning her for a few weeks to not get in their bubble and she didn’t heed their warning and received a large bite that required 3 stitches on her nose. Dr. Hannah Mueller did an incredible job and there won’t be a blemish to mark her lovely head. Dr. Mueller was impressed with how well-behaved Shiloh was when she shaved the wound and injected a local before placing the stitches. I was impressed that Shiloh didn’t need a sedative. I don’t think my geldings would have been that easy to handle and they would have required a sedative to make them very sleepy before a vet could inject a local near the wound. Shiloh then had to have some time off because of the wound, so I slowly started bringing her back to work at the end of the month and as of October 1st, she has been at SAFE Harbor where I am incredibly fortunate to keep riding her until this little gem is discovered and is adopted into her forever home.
It is always interesting to start riding the inexperienced horses through their first winter as the weather gets cold, the wind blows, and strange sounds occur from limbs, leaves, and other debris is blown around. In addition, with the daylight hours shorter, it means riding with shadows. For the most part, Shiloh is handling it well if I lunge her prior to riding. If I don’t lunge her, she does something she did the first few times I cantered her back in May, which is tuck and squeeze her hindquarters at the canter until she warms out of it, which I call, “The Shiloh Boot, Scoot and Boogey.” Shiloh doesn’t do anything naughty, but it does feel weird and seems like an awful lot of work to squeeze and tuck her hindquarters that much. Lunging for a few minutes prior to riding prevents this or just riding her both directions in the canter also dissipates this tucking behavior. On the days I don’t lunger her, I have been trying to get her warm and supple through her topline at the walk and trot before asking for the canter, but as of yet, that doesn’t seem to prevent the tucking of her hindquarters. Currently, since this was not present the entire summer, I attribute this to her being frisky in the cool weather. Again, if I lunge her first, she doesn’t do this at all. I am pleased to report that her right canter has improved and she’ll pick up the correct lead as long as she is straight in her neck and stepping her right hind into the outside left rein. She also is learning how to lift her tummy to raise her back in the downward transitions.
We’ve only gotten in a few jumping sessions this month, but she has been my easiest, most willing and brave horse to teach how to jump. She does need to gain more strength to find her balance, but that will easily come with time, since she is so willing to please, which of course means being careful to not push her past her physical limitations.
I know Shiloh will be adopted soon, but until then, I’ll continue to ride her 5–6 days a week and work on getting her stronger and more balanced and hope to take her to some schooling shows and weather permitting some more trail rides.
Shiloh at the SAFE Show!
From Shiloh’s foster/trainer Brittney Stewart of B&D Sport Horses LLC
The SAFE Benefit Schooling Show was as big as a recognized show, without the pressure of a recognized show. Shiloh gained valuable experience points being in a big show atmosphere. She was keyed-up during Friday’s warm-up ride with the set-up of the vendors and spectator area on the berm. We had a longer warm-up period than I was anticipating, but I was able to get her settled by using lots of different dressage patterns to focus her attention. Saturday’s dressage warm-up went well in the outdoor, but she got nervous going into the indoor with no other horses, so I kept the pressure low and focussed on making it a great positive experience for her, so she became relaxed towards the end of her first dressage test at her first show! After a break in her stall, I then rode her in the trails class and she was questioning the objects, but trusted my guidance through all of the obstacles, so earned spending the rest of the day munching hay and greeting visitors in her stall. We even got to chat with her sponsor, Jennifer L.
Sunday we did 6 classes! Clover Hunters; Clover Equitation; Hunters, Trot Poles; Equitation, Trot Poles; Trails Mounted; and her favorite the Lily Hunters, Cross Rails. Shiloh learned the art of patience by hanging outside the ring and showed her interest in becoming a future jumper or eventer. Shiloh perked up and wanted to jump big and at the show displayed the same brave and fearless attitude she does at home when it comes to jumping. I was able to steer and point her over the middle of the cross-rails, with reminders to listen to my half-halts. Shiloh and I didn’t display a rhythmical hunter style, but showed her interest in being a jumper as she tackled the cross-rail obstacles like a jumper going for speed. It was a huge honor to represent SAFE and take Shiloh to her first show. So pleased with Shiloh as she learned to take in the show!
Shiloh does Hunters and Trails at the SAFE Show!
Thanks to Brittney & Darby for these videos of Shiloh competing in Hunters and Mounted Trails at the SAFE show!
Shiloh trails photos!
Here are some great pictures of Brittney riding Shiloh in trails! Thank you Liz Stabbert Photography!!
Shiloh’s Training Diary
We cannot thank Shiloh’s foster mom Brittney enough for the work and care she is putting into this lovely mare. Here’s Shiloh’s training diary for the past several weeks. As you can see, with consistent handling, our girl is making amazing progress!
Friday 6/1
Hand grazed then groomed her in the wash rack and just hung out as she chomped calmly on an apple in the wash rack.
Today I was reviewing milestones of everyday things I think all horses should be able to do calmly and here are some things checked-off of the list and items we’ll be working on this month:
Milestones Achieved:
Stand completely still and don’t walk away from mounting block until told.
Stand still in cross-ties.
Stand still when spraying water all over horse
Walk-Trot-Walk transitions
Halt and stand still with mounted rider
Walk breaks in arena on the buckle
Pat horse on croup while mounted
Open gate while mounted
Rider able to switch whip at trot
Hack around property
While mounted, adjust stirrup leathers and girth.
Hand graze calmly
Upcoming Milestones:
Trot-Canter transitions without running
Take coat off while mounted
Clippers for fetlocks, muzzle, bridle path, and ears
Wear brush boots
Trail ride (I’m going to take her to Bridle Trails with my friend’s trusty trail horse)
Full bubble bath in the wash rack
Fly Spray (she has no issues with me spraying water, but adversely reacts to the smell)
Grooming spray for tail (she has no issues with me spraying water, but adversely reacts to the smell of Mane & Canter)
Thursday 5/31
Ok, Shiloh has the message and has stood at the mounting block without moving for numerous rides!
I didn’t lunge her before hand and she was pretty good at the walk and trot and I was able to sit on her back at the trot both directions for half a circle. When I asked for the left canter lead, she had a little bit of an ‘tude about it and kicked out at my right leg. After realizing I was going to keep asking until she was calm, she let out a big huge sigh and we had some successful left lead canter departs. Going to the right, she was disunited in the front, so I kept setting her up and then asking and then praised her for being such a good girl with NO ‘tude!
Another note is that at the walk, I patted her on her croup and she got overly excited about it, so I made a point of rubbing her flank and croup during all of our walk breaks going both directions. She quickly settled into it and thought nothing of her good girl pat on the rump at the end of our ride.
Also, I think all horses must behave when opening gates, which she has passed with flying colors, since opening the arena gate means we get to hack around the property. She loves to go on her hack around the property after the arena work. We also rode in the outdoor arena at the walk and she was a super good girl. My plan this weekend is to warm her up in the indoor, then do a few trot circles in the outdoor arena.
Wednesday 5/30
Lunged, rode, wash rack.
Shiloh was perfectly STILL at the mounting block and doesn’t move forward until I ask her to start walking.
Shiloh had difficulty picking up the right canter lead to the right, but was willing to go back to the trot as I set her up again in the corner a few times until we go the correct lead going to the right.
Tuesday 5/29
Monday 5/28
Shiloh was perfectly STILL at the mounting block and doesn’t move forward until I ask her to start walking. Rode her without lungeing, so I’d have enough horse to canter under saddle. She was able to pick up the correct lead both directions, but she is un-balanced and wanted to turn into the circle. My plans were to canter her straight down the long side of the arena, but she kept turning herself. I was able to get her to go long on the left lead canter, but limited success on the right lead, where she’d just turn herself onto a circle. Overall, I was pleased with her attitude and we’ll continue to work on it.
Sunday 5/27
Lunged in side reins, didn’t ride her. Wash rack, then hand grazing. Noted that her canter looks good in the round pen with side reins and I’ll try and canter her under saddle tomorrow.
Saturday 5/26
Lunged and rode Shiloh. Shiloh showed how green she is after having too many days off from being ridden. She wanted nothing to do with steering, let along trying to go onto the bit. So we went back to the basics. I prefer to give 1‑day off, with at most no more than 2‑days off in a row.
Friday 5/25/12
Lunged Shiloh in side reins.
5/22/12 to 5/24/12
I had a stomach bug and didn’t go to work, so Shiloh had three days off.
Monday 5/21/12
Her day off, so put her in the round pen free lunged her.
Sunday 5/20/12
Lunged and rode Shiloh. I was also able to spray her entire body in the wash rack. I don’t yet feel she is confident enough in the wash rack, so I don’t cross-tie her, but instead hold the lead rope. When I can get a helper, I’ll shampoo her and give her a thorough bath, in the meantime, I am working on desensitizing her to the sounds of the water spraying in the wash rack and just standing calmly.
Saturday 5/19/12
Lunged and rode Shiloh. There were 4 other horses in the arena with us and Shiloh behaved as a grown-up horse and was not disturbed as they trotted past us. I did do a lot of walking, to get her settled into the atmosphere of a full and busy arena. Then I picked up some trot both directions, then let her walk again to take in the busy environment. Did a little more trot and then called it good and rode her outside. I was very pleased with her behavior! She impressed the fellow boarders with how far she has come and how relaxed she was with all of the horses in the ring with her.
Another day of being able to successfully spray her entire body in the wash rack.
Friday 5/18/12
Shiloh’s day off, so hand grazed her and worked on standing still in the wash rack. I was able to spray her entire body.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5/15–5/17/12
Lunged and noticed her canter is much more balanced in side reins in the round pen. I think in a week or so, I’ll start to ask for her to canter under saddle. Every day worked standing in the wash rack as I sprayed her legs. I am taking my time with her, because it is a scary, noisy, and slippery wash rack. She was so scared on the first day I walked her in there, she was shaking so bad it was inching her forward. She is settling into it each day and gaining more confidence. My philosophy is to take the time it takes, so in the end it will take less time as she trusts me and gains confidence faster each time I introduce her to something new.
Monday 5/14/12
Her day off, we just hand grazed.
Sunday 5/13/12
My husband was able to come out today and video our ride. We’ve been working on standing very still at the mounting block and it is paying off and she is getting close to not moving an inch.
Under saddle, Shiloh showed how brave and sensible she was as a horse was walking on the pavement outside. She was startled by the sound, but overall kept her cool and didn’t get to distracted by it. Since someone had already put out trot poles, I took advantage of them and steered her towards them and she bravely trotted over them for the first time, which was captured on video of how she handles a new situation.
Afterwards, she was rewarded by hacking around the arena all by herself and no big horse to guide her.
Since I had my husband as a helper, I led Shiloh into the wash rack and had my husband just spray water around but not at her. I let her snort and sniff until she decided to just put her head directly into the water.
Saturday 5/12/12
Shiloh was lunged and then ridden today. She was a super good girl under saddle and I was able to consistently keep her on the bit, so introduced more walk to trot to walk transitions. She was so good, that we followed a fellow boarder outside and rode around the outside! After our ride, we again hung out in the wash rack and she was calm enough as I sprayed water at the walls, that I tested out spraying the water closer to her muzzle and she bravely put her head right into the spraying water. After a lot of good girl pats, we headed out to hand graze
Friday 5/11/12
Shiloh got the day off from being under saddle. We did work on walking into the scary wash rack and I let her sniff around and snort as I sprayed water around, but not directly at her.
Shiloh’s next big adventure!
Shiloh arrived yesterday to her new digs at lovely Bear Creek Farm in Woodinville. Lucky Shiloh has been invited to stay there for the near future and while she is there, she will be getting 5 days a week of riding and handling from her foster mother, Brittney. Brittney has ridden Shiloh before and recognized that she would benefit from a regular riding and training program. She offered to take her on as special project. We are very grateful to Brittney for offering her service to us in this way and we are very excited to see Shiloh progress in her training.
Brittney plans to keep a training diary and share it with us on a weekly basis. We already have Day One in the books. It looks like Brittney is wasting no time getting started with this sweet mare, and she reports that Shiloh has settled in well and is being a very good girl!
Monday 4/30/12 @ 2030
What we Worked on:
Lunged in round pen with no tack, just a lunge line.
What went Well:
Listened very well to voice commands of walk, whoa, trot, canter. Behaved herself very well in her new surroundings. She was interested in her new surroundings, but took guidance and direction and looked to me to comfort her. She was respectful of my space. Didn’t buck once and would consider her well-behaved while being lunged!
Areas for Improvement:
She wants to start trotting right away on lunge line. Needs to go out on circle at walk, then trot when asked.
Going left, she wants to rush. Difficult time maintaining left lead canter. After warming up going to the right at trot/canter, she had an easier time maintaining the canter when going left.
Plan for Next Session:
Tomorrow, Tuesday I will tack her up and lunge her in side reins and then walk her around the big arena. Then hand walk her around the property, so she can safely explore her new environment.
Shiloh Update
Shiloh has finished 60 days professional training. She’s still very green, but considering she came to us as a barely handled 5 year old, she’s doing very well! She has a sweet nature and a generally calm temperament.
- Shiloh 2/23/12
- Shiloh 2/23/12
- Shiloh 2/23/12
- Shiloh 2/23/12
- Shiloh 2/23/12
- Shiloh 2/23/12
- Shiloh 2/23/12
Shiloh update
In late October 2011, Shiloh and her herd mates Miah and Khianna, arrived at the SAFE farm. SAFE had tried for several months to place these mares for their owner through our SAFE-Assisted Placement program but without any luck, mostly because these horses had not received much handling due to their owner’s illness. Therefore, once we had space available for them, we sent some brave volunteers down to Castle Rock to pick them up and bring them to Monroe.
Soon after, Shiloh was sent into training to be started under saddle. She graduated from training in late January 2012 and has returned to the SAFE farm. She did very well in training and is now going well at all three gaits. She is a very forward-thinking mare with a lot of energy! She lacks confidence, so needs a confident rider to continue her training. We will work on getting some photos and videos up soon now that she is back at our main facility!
Shiloh & Miah arrive at SAFE
Here are a couple of photos taken by Chelsey on the day that Miah and Shiloh arrived at SAFE. They’ve just come off of a long trailer ride from Castle Rock, and they are still taking in their somewhat scary new surroundings. Here they look in horror upon the neighbor’s cows!
Miah is Shiloh’s dam, but as you can see from these pictures, mom is a lot shorter than daughter ended up being!
Shiloh Update — June 14, 2011
Update from Jeanette who, with help from our friends at Sound Equine Options, went down and helped the owner of the horses in Castle Rock get the horses up to date on all their routine care:
Shiloh — Very Friendly. They call her an “In Your Pocket” horse. She was the first and friendliest of the herd. I found her very engaged with people, even new ones.
According to the Vet, she’s got an awesome personality & would be easy to work with. Would consider her a great 4H prospect.
Said she has “nice mouth conformation” meaning that while there were sharp points to file down, they appeared to be healthy, strong and well placed in her mouth. Her wolf teeth were pulled during her dental. Vet also commented having teeth checked annually but probably won’t need floats every year & noted that she had good feet.
Castle Rock horses — available as SAFE-Assisted placements
SAFE is assisting in the placement of three horses located in Castle Rock WA. These horses are owned by a woman who has been recently diagnosed with cancer who will be starting chemotherapy and radiation therapy later this month. Because of this, her ability to care for these horses will be increasingly limited, and rather than let any harm befall her animals, she has asked for SAFE’s assistance in finding them new homes. Their future well-being means everything to her, and she chose SAFE because of our rigorous screening process for adopters and our commitment to following up on horses we adopt.
These horses all have a great deal of potential for anyone looking for good, young prospects. We could use your help to spread the word about them, and hopefully we will be able to help ease this person’s burden as she faces her battle with cancer.
Click below to visit each horse’s thread and learn more about them.
Miah, 12 year old tri-color Arab/Pinto cross mare
Khianna, 12 year old tri-color Arab/Pinto cross mare
Shiloh, 4 year old tri-color Arab/Pinto/QH cross mare
UPDATE: We’ve had to make the difficult decision to remove Blu from our placement program. Blu has been having some serious behavioral issues that make it unsafe for us to adopt him out at this time. Unfortunately, his owner’s health issues have prevented her from handling him very much and he’s become herdbound, difficult to catch, and dangerous. Until those issues can be addressed, we can’t offer him for adoption.
Buns has also been removed from the placement program but for a happier reason: her owner has decided to keep her. Buns has been with her since birth and she does not want to part with her. If SAFE is able to find new homes for Khianna, Miah and Shiloh, she should be able to manage her remaining herd with assistance from friends and neighbors.
Shiloh — photo gallery
- Blu and Shiloh 2 yrs old
- Miah Blu Khianna and Shiloh
- Shiloh
- Shiloh
- Shiloh
- Shiloh Blu and Khianna
