
2002 QH-type Mare

Suitability:  Companion, For Intermediate Handler 

Color: chestnut
Markings: blaze
Height: 14.2 hh
Weight: 850 lbs
Adoption Fee: $300

Trixie came to SAFE in mid-2024 as an owner surrender. Her owner’s financial circumstances had changed, and she was unable to keep her horses — Trixie, and a stallion with a leg deformity. The kindest course of action for the stallion was to euthanize at the home he was comfortable at, but Trixie would join our herd here at SAFE.

Trixie is a sweet mare who nickers when you walk by and enjoys being groomed. She is ready for her forever home as a companion!

All SAFE horses are adopted with a no-breeding clause, no exceptions.

Online Adoption Application




Adopting a Companion Horse from SAFE

Adopting a Companion Horse from SAFE

If you look at the current population of horses at SAFE right now, eleven of them are what we call “companions” — older horses that can’t really be ridden anymore…but still need a safe, permanent home. Any of these horses would tell you that caring for a companion will enrich your life in ways you’ve never even thought of! Adopting a senior pet is the ultimate act of love; a clear example of something you do mostly for their sake. In the case of the older SAFE horses, these mares and geldings have survived neglect or abuse, and now they deserve permanent homes where they will be well fed, well cared for, and well loved.
One factor that sometimes holds people back from adopting a senior horse is the cost associated with their care, especially when it comes to the end of their lives. Euthanasia and removal can cost upwards of $1,000 in western Washington, which is a lot to take on. So SAFE would like to offer potential senior horse adopters some assistance with these costs.
If you adopt a companion horse from SAFE, we will sign a contract ensuring you that when the time comes to say goodbye, we will cover the costs of what needs to be done. Your lucky horse will come to you fully rehabilitated and up to date on all routine vet care, with an established feeding plan and an honest behavioral assessment. All we ask in return is that you carry on their good care, and let them know every day that they are home.
Offering this assistance is completely worth it to us, because it means that more of our beloved seniors will be able to enjoy a real home with a person or family that welcomes and values them. And crucially, by adopting one of our senior horses, you will have opened up space at SAFE for another horse to be rescued, a horse who desperately needs our help. We operate under a cap, which means we have to turn horses away when we don’t have space. So adopting a senior horse from us could literally save another horse’s life.
This program is not designed to make horse ownership affordable to anyone who can’t honestly afford it. The adoption will be approved or denied using the same requirements and standards as any horse we adopt out. As an adopter, you will legally own the horse, so you’ll be responsible for the cost of feed, shelter, farrier care, and vet care, for as long as their quality of life remains high.
When the end approaches, you will have our full support: logistical, financial, and even emotional. In the last 20 years, we’ve helped so many horses pass on, so we are well qualified to help you know what signs to watch for, how to make that difficult decision, and how to carry it through with dignity and love.
Adoptable senior horses on the SAFE website that are included in this program will be designated as such. Adopters are not obligated to make use of the monetary help, but we hope that knowing it’s there will make it easier to say yes to a sweet and wonderful senior horse that needs you.
Trixie’s Life at Foster

Trixie’s Life at Foster

What has Trixie been up to at foster — apart from living her best life? Well, bossing miss Rae around for one — but is it really considered ‘bossing’ when you’re just setting a boundary? These two are thick as thieves, but even the best of friends need to remind one another whose hay pile is whose sometimes. 
When not snacking and hanging out with Rae, Trixie is getting top notch care from her foster family, including being treated to some bodywork sessions, and would you just look at that shiny coat! And speaking of hair, the cropped tail that Trixie arrived with back in May of last year is nearly back to its full glory. Well, maybe 3/4 of it’s glory, but good things take time. 
We miss Trixie at SAFE, but we love hearing about the great life she is living in her foster home.
Trixie at Foster

Trixie at Foster

It isn’t very often that we send horses out to foster, but every so often a circumstance will arise where it makes sense. When Rae’s adopter reached out about needing a companion for Rae, we were happy to find a match. At sleepaway camp (aka foster), alumna Rae is keeping her new chestnut friend very busy! The two of them have become inseparable, whether Trixie likes it or not. Despite having her own pile of hay, Rae insists on sharing with Trixie, and is even kind enough to join her at the water trough to show her the proper way to drink! Despite Rae’s close-talker shenanigans, Trixie is nice to this young whippersnapper. No doubt about it, Trixie has proven her title as Companion Horse (slash babysitter?) tenfold! While she is away, we look forward to hearing what other trouble these two will get into.. or more accurately, what trouble Rae will drag Trixie into.

Trixie Settling In

Trixie Settling In

Standing in her noble shelter, peering over the edge with just the top half of her face above the wall, Trixie resembles a hippo floating beneath the surface of the water. But unlike hippos, one of the most dangerous land mammals, Trixie is sweet sweet sweet. We could tell she was a nice mare when we first met her, and the few weeks she has been at SAFE has only solidified that truth for us.

She recently met with our vets at Rainland for her first check-up in a while, and was her mellow self during the appointment. She had a float to help file down the sharp points of her teeth, got vaccinated, had blood drawn to check her insulin and ATCH, had her feet and knee examined, and had a microchip inserted – all in addition to a routine once-over. Because she had been out with a stallion, we will also run a pregnancy test in the next few weeks to cover our bases. Her bloodwork came back with elevated ATCH, so we have also started her on a daily tab of Prascend, which she gobbles up with gusto each morning out of a slice of carrot.

In addition to being seen by the vet, Trixie has also had not one but two trims since her arrival. Because of the state her hooves were in, more frequent trimming at the beginning has been an important step to get back on the right track. The deep abscess tracks in Trixie’s hooves will take some time to heal up, but she remains sound both in and out of the Cloud Boots she wears in to protect her hooves as they recover. Her knee definitely features some arthritic changes, but she is moving comfortably on her limbs for now, so we will continue to monitor her and add in vet suggested support as needed. Trixie was a riding horse in her past, but given the wear on her body, those days are behind her. No matter – she will make someone a lovely companion horse.

Speaking of companions, she has made a friend in fellow companion horse Mirana. The two of them call to each other from across the road where their paddocks are, and happily munch grass together — two retired ladies appreciating the finer things in life, like rolls in the tall grass and scratches on the withers. At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about!

Welcoming Trixie to SAFE

Welcoming Trixie to SAFE

Trixie was the fifth chestnut mare to join our herd in the span of a week (the other four being the Tennessee Walkers), but apart from the color of her coat and the blaze she shares with two of them, the similarities end there. Trixie is her own horse, after all, an should be introduced as such! This sweet mare came to us as an owner surrender, where she was living alongside a stallion with a severely deformed hind leg. Sadly, due to the severity of his deformity and discomfort, we helped the owner euthanize him, and brought Trixie here to SAFE. It was immediately apparent upon interacting with her just how much love she has known in her life. She has already shown us just how much she enjoys being brushed, and is almost always ready and waiting to greet you at the gate – sure, you might have some food for her, but if not, a pet on the face would be just as nice! Trixie has some deferred maintenance that we are getting taken care of, including a visit with the vet and farrier, the latter of whom she has already seen, and did great for. She demonstrated just how gentle she is by showcasing the ‘look ma, no halter’ during her trim.

Trixie’s feet are in pretty rough shape, and at her upcoming vet appointment we have scheduled radiographs for both her front feet and her large left knee, as we suspect arthritis given it’s size.

Due to these factors, Trixie will likely become a companion horse following vet assessment. But one thing is certain, her future holds a lot of love!




Trixie’s Friends:

1. Sarah F.

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________

6. ____________________

7. ____________________

8. ____________________

9. ____________________


Every horse deserves at least ten friends! Even a small monthly donation can make a difference. Plus, SAFE horse sponsors receive discounts at local businesses through the SAFEkeepers program!

Click here to sponsor Trixie!