by Bonnie Hammond | Nov 5, 2017
Heidi description: 1997 grey Arab mare type of rescue: owner surrender intake date: 3/17/2007 adoption date: 11/21/2007 length of time with SAFE: 8 months ADOPTED!! Heidi belonged to an older woman, who relied on her son to care for her horses when her health...
by Skye Guidotti | Nov 5, 2017
Henry 2012 chestnut Arabian gelding Type of Rescue: Animal Control SeizureIntake Date: 11/28/2022Adoption Date: 7/27/2023Length of Time with SAFE: 8 months ADOPTED!! by Marion! Henry came to SAFE in November of 2022 as part of a seizure of 27 horses from Pierce County...
by Bonnie Hammond | Nov 5, 2017
Hickory description: 2007 chestnut Arab geldingtype of rescue: Snohomish County Animal Control seizureintake date: 7/27/2015adoption date: 12/1/2015length of time with SAFE: 4 months ADOPTED by Fran M Hickory’s Story: Hickory and Mesquite were seized by Animal...
by Skye Guidotti | Nov 5, 2017
Hopper 2003 bay Grade geldingType of Rescue: Animal Control SeizureIntake Date: 11/27/2023Transfer Date: 3/25/2023Length of Time with SAFE: 4 months Transferred to SAIN! After spending a couple of months at SAFE, Hopper was transferred to Skagit Animals In Need...
by Skye Guidotti | Nov 5, 2017
Irene 1995 bay Grade type mareType of Rescue: Owner Surrender Intake Date: 3/12/23Adoption Date: 4/6/23Length of Time with SAFE: 3.5 weeks ADOPTED!! by Stanalee Irene, along with another horse, was living under the care of an owner suffering from...