

Jasper 2007 champagne Tennessee Walking Horse geldingType of Rescue: Owner Surrender Intake Date: 7/27/20Adoption Date: 9/20/21Length of Time with SAFE: 1 year, 2 months ADOPTED!! by Connie This striking Tennessee Walking Horse gelding was headed for the...


Jax 2006 bay Thoroughbred gelding Registered Name: Sir GallagherType of Rescue: Animal Control SeizureIntake Date: 11/28/2022Adoption Date: 7/10/2023Length of Time with SAFE: 8 months ADOPTED!! by Raven Rock Ranch Jax came to SAFE in November of 2022 as part of a...
Jazzy and Joker

Jazzy and Joker

Jazzy and Joker description: black & white Miniature Horses type of rescue: Pierce County Animal Control seizure intake date: 9/24/2011 adoption date: 12/12/2011 length of time with SAFE: 2 months ADOPTED by the Hartness family of Auburn WA Jazzy and Joker...


Jessel description: 2014 chestnut Quarter Horse maretype of rescue: Animal Control seizureintake date: 12/28/2015adoption date: 3/24/2018length of time with SAFE: 3 years ADOPTED by Alexandra Jessel is one of three mares seized by animal control in Snohomish...


Jewel description: 2011 palomino and white paint mare type of rescue: Owner Surrender intake date:12/12/2012 adoption date: 11/4/2017 length of time with SAFE: 4 years, 10 months ADOPTED!! by Julie V of Redmond WA Jewel is a palomino & white Paint mare who came to...