

Banjo breed: 1993 palomino Quarter Horse gelding type of rescue: City of Snohomish Animal Control seizure intake date: 9/18/2015 adoption date: 5/5/2018 length of time with SAFE: 2 years, 7 months ADOPTED!! by Erin G of Stanwood WA Banjo (aka Joey!) was surrendered to...


Banner 1998 bay Quarter Horse type geldingType of Rescue: Owner SurrenderIntake Date: 2/28/2020Adoption Date: 10/13/2020Length of Time at SAFE: 7 months Banner is an older gelding whose owner was unable to keep him after she went into assisted living. Banner was...


Baxter 2000 black and white Paint cross geldingtype of rescue: SCAC Seizureintake date: 12/4/2009adoption date: 3/26/2011length of time with SAFE: 1 years, 3 months Baxter is a black and white pinto gelding that was awarded to SAFE after being seized by Skagit County...


Bean description: 2001 Quarter Horse mare registered name: type of rescue: Snohomish County Animal Control Seizure intake date: 12/28/15 adoption date: 5/19/16 length of time with SAFE: 4 months ADOPTED!!  Bean is one of three mares seized by animal control...


Beauty 1999 chestnut Arab cross mareRegistered Name: noneType of Rescue: Animal Control SurrenderIntake Date: 11/21/19Adoption Date: 3/21/21Length of Time with SAFE: 2 years, 4 months ADOPTED!! by Emily Beauty was surrendered to Animal Control because her owner...