Desert Bloom and At The Ready are two ex-racehorses that SAFE placed for Emerald Downs trainer Sharon Ross was back in August 2006. Their adopter Vicki has done a terrific job with both of them and has worked hard to make them good riding horses. She sent an update on the two boys and a few pictures of Bloomer for us to enjoy:

Bloom is Bloom and Beam is getting to be enjoyable to ride!!! Just have to work him free first, and let him “express himself” and then he is pretty solid under saddle – having to relearn a bit now that I am riding him – I expect him to move forward from the back to the front and not be held in frame!!! But I think he is finding out that he likes it – he just did not understand at first. I’s fun to watch his response – ears forward, chewing – it’s a good change in his attitude…..

Bloomer competed at the September 2010 TEA show – he was reserve champion at halter and melted down in the morning riding classes – took till mid afternoon for him to decide to have a nice forward English trot, unfortunately it was in the middle of a novice western class!!!

Vicki is involved with the Thoroughbred Exhibitors Association (TEA) as their Vice President this year. TEA is an organization that promotes second careers for Thoroughbred and Half-Thoroughbred horses in all disciplines, and they hold three horse shows a year in Oregon, designed to showcase and celebrate these great horses. SAFE has agreed to sponsor a class at their Spring Thoroughbred Show on May 22. If you’re not familiar with TEA, be sure to click on the link and check out their website.