We are very excited to announce some significant changes to the SAFE management team. On August 30, 2011, the existing Board of Directors voted unanimously to elect 4 new members. Effective September 1, 2011, the SAFE Board of Directors are:

  • Jaime Taft, President
  • Debi Shatos
  • Beth Amberg
  • Sara Hall
  • Jeannette Parrett

The Board also accepted the resignation of Bonnie Hammond and Jenny Mscichowski as Board of Directors members of SAFE.

Bonnie is resigning her position in order to take on different responsibilities for SAFE.

Jenny resigns from the SAFE Board of Directors after five years of dedicated service to the organization. As one of the founding members of SAFE, Jenny has played a large part in shaping SAFE into the organization it is today. Jenny is stepping down from the Board in order to be able to spend more time with her family and her own horse. She will continue to support SAFE from afar in whatever way she can (Jenny lives in Portland). We thank her for her years of service to this organization.