SAFE University
Education is everything when it comes to horses, and none of us ever stop learning! For the benefit of our volunteers, we create videos from time to time to teach and demonstrate basic skills that keep humans safe and horses happy.
Please note: These videos are shared here for informational purposes only, and are not a substitute for experience, professional training, or common sense. Always use caution when handling horses, and be sure to remain present and alert at all times. SAFE assumes no liability for injuries or death that may occur as the result of handling horses.

Weekly Education Topic: Quarantine
SAFE University: Herd Health Videos
Watch these videos to learn the vital signs used to assess a horse’s health. The staff created these videos as educational opportunities for our volunteers. Please consult your vet if you have any questions about your own horse’s health.
SAFE University: How to Clean a Stall and Paddock
While there are many ways to clean a stall and paddock, here are a few videos that show our best practices for approaching stall and paddock cleaning at SAFE. We made these videos as a training guide for our new volunteers and as a reference for anyone who would like to learn. How to Clean a Stall How to Clean a Paddock
Horsemanship video: Leading horses into stalls safely
When COVID-19 prevented SAFE volunteers from gathering for clinics and quarterly classes, Casey, one of our volunteer riders, started bringing the classes to you! We periodically posted short horsemanship skill-building videos, with the hope that everyone would still get educational opportunities in the meantime. There was such great feedback, we decided to continue and keep offering videos. Here’s one on how to safely lead a horse into a stall.
Horsemanship video: How to hang hay bags
Since COVID-19 has prevented SAFE volunteers from gathering for clinics and quarterly classes, Casey is bringing the classes to you! We’ll periodically post short horsemanship skill-building videos, with the hope that we’ll all be ready to rock-and-roll when things return to normal. If you have a suggestion for a future video, let us know! Here’s one on how to hang hay bags so the horses can’t toss their meal out of reach.
Horsemanship video: How to safely turn out a horse
Since COVID-19 has prevented SAFE volunteers from gathering for clinics and quarterly classes, Casey is bringing the classes to you! We’ll periodically post short horsemanship skill-building videos, with the hope that we’ll all be ready to rock-and-roll when things return to normal. If you have a suggestion for a future video, let us know! Here’s one on how to turn out a horse. You can see Casey haltering Lacey here.
Horsemanship video: How to safely halter a horse
Since COVID-19 has prevented SAFE volunteers from gathering for clinics and quarterly classes, Casey is bringing the classes to you! We’ll periodically post short horsemanship skill-building videos, with the hope that we’ll all be ready to rock-and-roll when things return to normal. If you have a suggestion for a future video, let us know! Here’s a short one on how to halter a horse, and you can see how Casey turns out Lacey here.