Since last fall, our “Arabian Gem” Sapphire has had 3 separate mild colic episodes. The first two were easily managed with pain reliever, walking and monitoring. The most recent event, at the end of March, required an emergency vet call to get her feeling better.
Having eliminated parasites and sand as factors, we are now looking a little deeper for the potential cause of her digestive issues. She is a sensitive Arabian mare who sometimes worries about things, so we are currently exploring treatment for ulcers as a possibility to keep her healthy. Dr. Mueller is scheduled to evaluate her shortly and we will keep you updated on what decisions are made.
Aside from the occasional tummy ache, Sapphire continues to do well under the guidance of trainer Kim Lacy. She is going walk, trot and canter but Kim reports she is still a bit “sticky” to the leg and opinionated. They are able to work through it and it is progressively getting better. Kim thinks Sapphire would enjoy a trail ride. We will see if we can make that happen soon! Also Kim has yet to put any other riders on her yet but feels she is ready to have someone else try her. I will be planning a trip up there shortly and will take more videos and pictures of her. She had a possible stone bruise this past week so we are waiting for her to get over that and then plan a visit.