The latest additions to the SAFE herd are a pair of Arab horses who were surrendered to SAFE after their owner suffered a stroke and could no longer care for them. Boss Hoss is a 20 year old pinto Arab stallion, and Millie is his 11 year old daughter. The two are in reasonable shape, but they were living hard prior to their rescue. Hoss is a little thin, and his dropped pasterns are a concern to us. He’s a friendly and curious fellow, and his short mane and tail give him a baby-ish appearance, in spite of his age. Millie lived together with her sire for most of her life, but she seems to have avoided pregnancy, probably because of her ability to double-barrel kick. (It should be noted that keeping a mare and stallion together is asking for an unplanned pregnancy, whether the two horses are related to one another or not!) Millie came to SAFE without being halter-broken, and at 11 years of age, she’s completely unhandled. Her forelock, mane, and tail are packed with burrs, and we’ll have to get her much more comfortable with being handled by humans before we can tackle that particular grooming project. Millie’s made great progress towards being gentled already by Terry, and we have high hopes for this lovely girl.
- Millie
- Millie
- Hoss
- Hoss
- Hoss