Sure, SAFE is all about the horses. They’re the reason we do what we do. Their beauty moves us, their stories captivate us, and their spirits lift us. “The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears.” We hear these words, and we don’t have to look too far to know exactly what they mean.

But SAFE isn’t just about horses… it’s about people too. I’ve been working with SAFE for almost seven years now, and I’ve seen this organization, which was started by a couple people who were worried about some horses, grow into this vital and genuine community of like-minded individuals with a passion for change. You give so much of yourselves, whether it’s your hands & hearts, your brains, your hard earned dollars, or just simple kindness and encouragement. Your contributions are what makes this organization what it is, and when I say “we can’t do it without you” that’s the honest truth. This is your rescue, and you’ve done an amazing job with it.

It’s only Wednesday, but it’s been a lovely week so far! I’m enjoying the sunshine out on the front porch, watching Honeycutt and his buddies do their thing, which today involves a lot of rolling in the dust. The mailman dropped by a package a little while ago containing four brand new halters and three brand new Cashel fly masks — a gift to SAFE from Panache Hackney Horse Farm of Cathlamet, WA.

In the past couple of days, we’ve had four new people sign up as SAFE sponsors, each of whom pledged at the $25 level. I invited Tilly’s new sponsor Christine T  to the open house, but since she lives in southern California, she won’t be able to drop by! Whitney W wrote to say that she was heartbroken by Maggie and Tilly’s story and fell in love with their sweet faces…and chose Maggie to sponsor. Laura M is now sponsoring JR, and visited him a few days ago as she is interested in adopting him. And just this morning, Jennifer L signed up to sponsor Shiloh. We thank all four of these ladies for their kindness and generosity in becoming SAFE sponsors.

In her email to us, Whitney remarked that $25 per month isn’t very much…but that’s just not so! It’s a very generous donation that really adds up. If just half of the people reading this email sponsored SAFE horses at just $10 per month, we could breathe a lot easier when it comes to time to pay our rent or buy our hay! Remember, there is power in this community of ours, which means that every little bit counts because we’re working together! Do you want to make a monthly pledge to help a SAFE horse? Click here to set up your sponsorship — it’s so easy!

Show planning is going very well. Entries are starting to come in very fast, and we have some groups who are reserving large blocks of stalls, so if you want good stabling, I suggest that you pre-register for your stalls as soon as possible!

I hope your week is going as nicely as mine! As always, thank you for being part of SAFE!