Transformations are par for the course here at SAFE, but as they often happen so incrementally, it can be challenging to remember the ‘before.’ When Zuri was first seized by Animal Control back in March of this year, she was about as low on the body condition score chart as a horse can be. She had several health issues crop up following her intake, likely caused at least in part to deferred maintenance. But thanks to the dedication of her amazing foster home, and to the care she has continued to receive since arriving at SAFE, these days Zuri is nearly unrecognizable. She has turned into a happy, healthy, horse again, and a beautiful one at that. She is shiny and, dare we say, even a bit on the plump side. One aspect of Zuri that hasn’t changed is her personality. She has remained kind and gentle through it all, really proving how resilient horses are — even when they shouldn’t have to be. But one thing is for certain, Zuri will never want for food or water or care ever again.